• Reference
  • Title
    Release of Legacy of 300 by Jn Smith to Wm Smith recites will of Wm Hill leaving it to bro Ric Hill of Hoxton yeoman recites will of Ric Furness of Bedford, Gent (son of Mary Hill) directs his executors if they shld be living at decease of Mary to pay Ric and legacy (they are Wm Smith of Bedford, grazier and Ric Hensman of Bedford, Butcher) made 1801 both Ric Furness and Mary Furness late deceased recites Deed Poll of Ric Hill appt as attorney Jn Smith of Bartholomew Close, London, Hairdresser 14 Dec 1802
  • Date free text
    17 Dec 1802
  • Production date
    From: 1802 To: 1802
  • Level of description