1) Steph Percy Groves of the Moat, Charing, Kent Esq
Fra Fred Ric Mansel Morgan of Plas Coed Mor, Llanfairpwll,
Anglesey, Retired Captain in HM Army (Trustees by deed of
27 Nov 1863).
2) Wm Smith Cowper Cooper of Toddington Manor Esq (vendor)
3) Fred Willis Farrer of 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields, County of
London Esq (Trustee)
4) F.W. Farrer again (Mortgagee)
Geo Jas Drummond of Charing Cross Esq.
5) F.F.R.M. Morgan again
Welbone Stuart Ellis of 20 Threadneedle Street, City of
London Esq
term of 1000 yrs Under will of Jn Cooper vested in them by
Deed of 27 July, 898
6) Hen Whitbread of Bedford, Licensed Victualler. (Purchaser)
Recitals give a lot of 19C history of Toddington estate
Messuage Public House with Stables, Cowhouses, Yard &
buildings (35p)
Called 'Griffin'
Abs SE side of Rd leading to Harlington Station
Abs SW. Church yard of St George's Church Yard, Toddington
On other sides property belonging to Toddington Feoffees
(see plan)
Consideration: 225
31 Dec 1898
Herne Fm Toddington (224A 1R 8P)
(itemised) detailed description of homestead's buildings
AND Tingrith Moors (10A 1R 0P) occ exors of late
AND Abel Spring Major's Close Westoning and large timber
& thatched Cowhouse. (occ exors as above). (6A 0R 30P)
2 Redcap closes (6A 3R 36P and 6A 2R 22P)
Moat Close (11A 0R 33P) Westoning occ as above.
Long Close (7A 3R 25P); incl cowhouse.
Spinney (0A 3R 12P)
Reddings (5A 3R 10P) Westoning. Occ as above.
Tingrith Close (6A 1R 09) in Tingrith & Harlington
Harlington Close (5A 1R 28P)
Spinney (1A 1R 25P) in Toddington, Tingrith & Harlington.
Occ as above.
NB plans of properties.
and Contract notes for purchase of Griffin Inn by Hen
Whitbread for 2225
Date free text
19 Sept 1898
Production date
From: 1898 To: 1898
No. of pieces: 1
Level of description