Covenant to produce Title Deeds
above parties.
deeds listed in schedule
a) 9 and 10 Feb 1820 Lease and Release
1) Wm Pedley and Benj Jefferies
2) Jn Barber
b) 9 and 10 Feb 1820 Lease and Release
1) Wm Pedley and Benj Jefferies
2) Eliz Lindsell
c) 4 Mar 1814
1) Edw Lindsell and Eliz his wife
2) Eliz Barber
3) Ste Raymond
Jn Barber
Thos McGarth
Robt Burton Lindsell
d) 25 Jan 1844
1) Edw Lindsell and Eliz his wife
2) Jas Linton
e) 11 Dec 1846
1) Edw Lindsell and Eliz his wife
2) Jn Lindsell
3) Jn Paley
Chas Barnett
Fred Hogg
f) 20 Oct 1847
1) Jas Linton
2) Edw Lindsell
3) parties as 3) in e)
g) 30 Apr 1866
1) Edw Lindsell and wife
2) Jn Lindsell
h) 25 Feb 1869
1) parties as 3) in e)
2) Jn Lindsell
[d) would have been a primary mortgage; e) a secondary;
f) uniting of the mortgages and h) reconveyance on payment]
Date free text
1 May 1869
Production date
From: 1820 To: 1869
Level of description