• Reference
  • Title
    Lease and Release 1) Blyth Foster of Biggleswade Esq., grandson and devisee of Ann Salmon, late of Bildestone, Norfolk, widow (in will called John Blyth Foster) vendor. 2) Wm Foster, late of Biggleswade, now of St Neots, Esq. 3) Jas Bontell of Biggleswade, carpenter, purchaser. 4) Robt Lindsell of same, gent. plot of land, Biggleswade in width on N. 33ft; S. 33ft; lenght on E. 77 ft; W. 77ft pt of piece of arable (20a) heretofore called Delves Piece NOW Hancock's Field abs N. Back Street W. other pt of same field lately sold by 1) to Thos Manton, another lately sold by 1) to Jn Jefferies S. rest of field - as is 'stumped out' intended to be inclosed and fenced. Consideration 19 Witnesses incl Geo Austin, clerk to Mr Lindsell 18 and 19 Jul 1827 Contains schedule of deeds 1) 10 and 11 Aug 1772 Thos Marshall and Ann his wife to John Thurgood and Edw Gooch the younger. 2) same dates:- Thos Marshall and Ann his wife to Thos Reynolds and Edw Gooch the younger. 3) 12 Aug 1772 Thos Reynolds and Edw Gooch to Thos Marshall. 4) 16 Apr 1789 Attested Copy Receipt for 250, signed by Rich Baker and Ann his wife. 5) 26 Jan 1791 - 1) Turner Boston 2) Thos, Philip and Wm Reynolds 3) Jn Foster 6) 13 Jul 1791 - 1) Edw Gooch and Jas Jud and Mary his wife Robt, Thos and Jane Thurgood 2) Ann Salmon 7) same date:- Edw Gooch, Thos, Philip and Wm Reynolds 2) Ann Salmon 8) 11 and 12 Jan 1793 - 1) Jas Jud and Robt Thurgood 2) Sar Thurgood 3) Ann Salmon 9) 14 and 15 Jun 1795 - 1) Jas Jud and Robt Thurgood 2) Hannah Thurgood 3) Ann Salmon 10) 8 and 9 Apr 1800 - 1) Jas Jud and Robt Thurgood 2) Hannah Thurgood 3) Ann Salmon 4) Jn Foster
  • Date free text
    18-19 Jul 1827
  • Production date
    From: 1772 To: 1827
  • Level of description