• Reference
  • Title
    Lease and Appointment and release between 1) Revd William Greenhill, Clerk of Farnham, Essex 2) James Wadman Alexander, Clerk of Rayne, Essex and Caroline his wife 3) Thomas Gwyn Elger, builder of Bedford and John Elger, builder of Louth Street, Grosvenor Square, Middx for £3,700 in fee simple of a) messuage in Bedford St Paul called the Dragon or Green Dragon with orchard and garden formerly occ by James Dennis afterwards John [Bulmer?] and John Mowbray, now or late William Coombs or his undertenants b) 9 ac land partly pasture, partly garden ground in St Paul adjoining messuage in (a) comprising close of pasture formerly reputed to contain 1½ ac formerly occ by John Smith alias Lyant then John Mowbray and late William Coombs c) capital messuage or mansion house with appurtenances long since pulled down but which when standing was called The Hassetts d) close of meadow or pasture adj called Hassetts Close or Mooreys Close formerly reputed to contain 4 ac e) pasture ground used for Garden Ground formerly called Chappwell or All Hallows Close reputed to contain 2½ ac f) site of a cottage long since pulled down with a little piece of ground formerly therewith lying next to (e) g) little piece of ground formerly occ by Richard Nightingale h) all other land shown on the map and not described above all of which are delineated on the plan attached [see previous catalogue page] Includes declaration barring dower Includes agreement that despite any commitment made by (1), (2) or Harris Thurloe Brace deceased, uncle of JWA, (1) and (2) have absolute authority to sell Includes rents of £1 4s and £1 16s by virtue of the Inclosure Act and Award for Bedford 1797 Includes covenant to produce lease & release 1806 [see below] Recites lease and release 1806 between 1) JWA, 2) Caroline wife of JWA (then Caroline Greenhill, spinster), & 3) John Alexander esq then of Bedford Row, Middx and WG (trustees), being the marriage settlement of JWA and CG, the messuages and land were then only recovered and assured, to the use of JWA with an annuity of £150 to CG should she be left a widow with one or more children, and if there are no surviving children then to CG, and after her death to the trustees Recites JA died 20th December 1830 Recites JWA and CG agreed that WG should sell the property to TGE Witnesses: Fanny Wibrow & William Bishop, servants to the Rev W Greenhill at Farnham, Essex Theed Pearse Junr, Solicitor, Bedford George Greenhill, Great Carter Lane, London
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1797 To: 1836
  • Level of description