• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the title of Edward Coleman to 22 Kimbolton Road in the parish of St. Peter Martin in Bedford. Abstracts the following: (I) Mortgage in fee by appointment, dated 25 June 1842, from James Woodroffe of Bedford, builder, to Joseph Goodship of Cople, late servant of Earl Ludlow, to secure £850 with interest at £4 10s.% pa, of: (a) a parcel of land 'with the two houses then erecting thereon' and all other the messuages and buildings thereafter to be erected thereon [as described in recital in more detail below]. Recites indenture of release by appointment, dated 27 Nov 1841, from Thomas Davies esq. to JW of a parcel of land [as above] in the parish of St. Peter Martin otherwise St Peter in the Fields in Bedford being part of Sparrow Close and containing 255' 6" on the NE boundary with another part of Sparrow Close sold by TD to Samuel Francis and the messuage and buildings erected there and then in the occupation of Charles Wright Hine esq., 185' 6" on the SW boundary with another part of the Close sold by TD to Richard Halfhead esq., 139' 6" on the SE boundary with the Bedford to Kimbolton road, and 113' 9" on the NW boundary with a close of glebe land called Berry Close belonging to the vicar of the parish and in the occupation of the Rev. G.A. Burnaby, and the boundary walls on the NE and NW sides; and that JW having 'in course of erection' on the land 2 messuages and occasion for the above loan. (II) Memorandum endorsed on (I) and dated 18 Mar 1843 recording that by an indenture of that date: (b) a parcel of land [forming part of (a) above] being part of Sparrow Close and containing 219' on the NE boundary with the land of JW on which he has built 2 messuages (being the residue of the land (a) in the 1842 deed), 185' 6" on the SW boundary with other land of JW [?sic; should be land of Richard Halfhead unless JW acquired it from him between 1841 and 1843] also part of Sparrow Close, 59' on the SE boundary with the road from Bedford to Kimbolton, and 58'3" on the NW boundary with Berry Close, and the boundary walls on the NW and NE sides ...above were conveyed in fee by way of mortgage to Samuel Bailey of Southill to secure £1000 and interest, JG having concurred in the conveyance to release the land from the mortgage security in (I). (III) Will of JW dated 12 Apr 1854 appointing Isaac Hurst of Bedford, surgeon, and Thomas Westley Turnley of Bedford, gent., as his trustees and executors, and after bequeathing certain pecuniary legacies and an annuity of £70 to Mary Wells Woodroffe, the wife of the testator's son William James Woodroffe, to commence on 1 Jan 1863 if she should then be living and creating certain trusts for raising the same not affecting his realty, and devising all his realty (except estates vested in him as trustee or mortgagee) and the residue of his personalty to IH/TWT upon trust for sale and abstracted trusts to benefit his grandchildren.Includes declaration varying the declared trusts created above in favour of the testator's son William James 'who had been abroad some years without having been heard of' in the event of his return to this country within 3 years of the testator's death. (IV) Codicil to (III) dated 25 Oct 1855 whereby William Blower of Bedford, surgeon was substituted in place of IH as trustee/executor. (V) Death of JW, 13 Dec 1855. (VI) Probate of his will and codicil in the court of the Archdeacon of Bedford on 12 Jan 1857. (VII) Mortgage in fee, dated 8 Oct 1857, from JWT/WB at the request of WJW of Bedford, gent [being the son of the testator whom it is recited returned to England in July 1856 and was the only son and heir of JW, appearing before TWT and WB as they declare in (XIII) below] to Sophia Brightman of Bedford, spinster, to secure £500 and interest at £5% pa, of: (a) freehold land scheduled in the original [which included 6 schedules] but not in the abstract with the exception of a parcel of land [part of the second schedule in the original] containing 225' 6" on the NE, 219' on the SW, 80' 6" on the SE boundary with the Bedford-Kimbolton Road, and 55' 6" on the NW against Berry Close and the 2 messuages with the offices and outbuildings belonging occupied by Mrs. Hyndman and Mrs. Hillyer [being part of land as in (I)(a) subject to the existing mortgage in fee in favour of Joseph Goodship created by (I)] ...subject to the several mortgages affecting the same. The abstract mentions another testatum relating to certain leasehold messuages [presumably described in the other schedules which are not abstracted]. (VIII) Will of SB dated 4 Apr 1855 appointing her nephews John Henry Wagstaff and Charles William Wagstaff executors thereof and devising to them all realty vested in her as trustee/mortgagee subject to the equities affecting the same.(IX) Death of SB on 17 Jan 1863 and probate of her will in the PPR on 21 Feb 1863. (X) Assignment dated 31 Mar 1864 from JHW of No.9 Sheldon St., Bishops Road, Paddington (Middx.), chemist, and CWW of White Cottage, Cold Harbour Lane, Camberwell (Surr.), gent., at the request and by the direction of WJW to Frances Mary Budd of Bedford, widow, of the principal sum of £500 and interest secured by (VII); and release and quitclaim of the mortgaged premises described in 3 schedules [not abstracted here; the second schedule described as comprising the land in the second schedule in (VII) as then occupied by Gerard Baillie Hamilton and Mrs. Rose] subject to the mortgages affecting the same as mentioned in (VII). The abstract of this deed records that TWT, described here as of Bedford, gent., and William Blower of Bedford, gent., were second parties to the deed; and that it included a testatum relating to leaseholds not the subject of this abstract. (XI) Assignment [indorsed on (X)] dated 5 Oct 1864 from FMB to Henry Pulley of Bedford, auctioneer, whom FMB was about to marry as an arrangement upon the treaty for their marriage, of the principal and interest as in (X); and like release of the mortgaged premises subject etc. as in (X). (XII) Memorandum indorsed on (VII), of receipt, dated 12 July 1865, from HP acknowledging receipt from William Crofts and William Robert Probert, esqs., of the sum of £450 paid by them in equal moieties, at the request of WJW, and from WJW himself the two sums of £25 and £25, making together the principal mortgage debt of £500 secured to him by (VII), (X) and (XI). Witnessed by TWT of Bedford, solicitor. (XIII) Conveyance dated 12 July 1865 Parties (i) Joseph Goodship (ii) Thomas Wesley Turnley and William Blower (iii) William James Woodroffe (iv) William Richard Probert of Bedford, esq. Recitals Several of the above abstracted deeds That up until the date of this deed [12 July 1865] there was owing, secured on land (a) below, £850 on the 1842 mortgage [(I)] and £500 on the mortgage/assignments of 1857 and 1864 [(VII) and (X)-(XI)], all interest having been paid. Indenture of 12 July 1865 made between (i) of the first, (ii) , (iii) of the third and William Crofts of the fourth witnessing that for £425 (a moiety of the first mortgage debt) paid to (i) by WC at the request of (iii) and with the approbation of (ii), £225 [likewise paid by WC to HP], and another £25 paid [by (iii)] to Henry Pulley (these 2 sums making a moiety of the second mortgage debt), the messuage, front and back gardens and hereditaments [being with (a) below part of the land in (I), (VII) and (X)] (such land being subject to the same mortgages as (a) below) were granted, conveyed and assured to WC freed and discharged from all principal and interest secured on them by the 1842 or first mortgage deed. Contract by (iii), with the approbation of (ii) with (iv) for the sale of the land below for £650 and agreement that (iv) should pay £425 of the purchase money (as the other moiety of the first mortgage debt) to (i) and £225, the residue of the purchase money, to Henry Pulley; and that (iii) should pay to HP £25 (which with the £225 represents the other moiety of the second mortgage debt). Memorandum of (XII) Operative part Conveyance by grant and release from (i), (ii) and (iii), for the considerations agreed in the above recitals, to (iv) of; (a) messuage or tenement in Kimbolton Road (formerly called Oak Lane) in the parish of St Peter Martin, otherwise St Peter in the Fields in Bedford, and No.22, formerly in the occupation of Mrs Hillier, then of Mr Faux and then of Mrs Rose, with the front and back gardens, and including the boundary walls on the NE and NW sides and the sites of such walls and an equal undivided moiety of the boundary wall on the SW dividing the messuage and front garden from the messuage and front garden conveyed to William Crofts, the site of all which hereditaments was part of an ancient inclosure called Sparrow Close and containing by admeasurement on the NE side on a messuage, gardens and hereditaments belonging to Samuel Francis 255' 6", on the SW side against the land sold and conveyed to William Crofts 238' 2", on the SE against the Bedford-Kimbolton Road 48' 4" and on the NW side against Berry Close being glebe land of the rectory of St Peter That up until the date of this deed [12 July 1865] there was owing, secured on land (a) below, £850 on the 1842 mortgage [(I)] and £500 on the mortgage/assignments of 1857 and 1864 [(VII) and (X)-(XI)], all interest having been paid. Indenture of 12 July 1865 made between (i) of the first, (ii) , (iii) of the third and William Crofts of the fourth witnessing that for £425 (a moiety of the first mortgage debt) paid to (i) by WC at the request of (iii) and with the approbation of (ii), £225 [likewise paid by WC to HP], and another £25 paid [by (iii)] to Henry Pulley (these 2 sums making a moiety of the second mortgage debt), the messuage, front and back gardens and hereditaments [being with (a) below part of the land in (I), (VII) and (X)] (such land being subject to the same mortgages as (a) below) were granted, conveyed and assured to WC freed and discharged from all principal and interest secured on them by the 1842 or first mortgage deed. Contract by (iii), with the approbation of (ii) with (iv) for the sale of the land below for £650 and agreement that (iv) should pay £425 of the purchase money (as the other moiety of the first mortgage debt) to (i) and £225, the residue of the purchase money, to Henry Pulley; and that (iii) should pay to HP £25 (which with the £225 represents the other moiety of the second mortgage debt). Memorandum of (XII) Operative part Conveyance by grant and release from (i), (ii) and (iii), for the considerations agreed in the above recitals, to (iv) of; (a) messuage or tenement in Kimbolton Road (formerly called Oak Lane) in the parish of St Peter Martin, otherwise St Peter in the Fields in Bedford, and No.22, formerly in the occupation of Mrs Hillier, then of Mr Faux and then of Mrs Rose, with the front and back gardens, and including the boundary walls on the NE and NW sides and the sites of such walls and an equal undivided moiety of the boundary wall on the SW dividing the messuage and front garden from the messuage and front garden conveyed to William Crofts, the site of all which hereditaments was part of an ancient inclosure called Sparrow Close and containing by admeasurement on the NE side on a messuage, gardens and hereditaments belonging to Samuel Francis 255' 6", on the SW side against the land sold and conveyed to William Crofts 238' 2", on the SE against the Bedford-Kimbolton Road 48' 4" and on the NW side against Berry Close being glebe land of the rectory of St Peter Martin 27' 7", 'be such several admeasurements little more or less', together with all ways etc. Habendum to (iv) in fee discharged from all principal and interest secured on the above land by the 1842 mortgage. Declaration by (iv) against dower. (XIV) Conveyance (reciting from (VII)) by release dated 4 Aug 1868 from WRP and Henry Pulley to Edward Coleman of Ampthill, grocer, for £786 paid to WRP by EC, of land as in (XIII)(a) in fee discharged as HP declared from all principal and interest secured by (VII) and (X)-(XI) to such uses and estates as EC should appoint, with remainders over including a use to George Coleman of Cranfield, gent., for the life of EC in trust for him in fee.
  • Date free text
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    From: 1874 To: 1874
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