• Reference
  • Title
    Biggleswade - Cowfairlands Manor of Biggleswade reciting that on 19 July 1882 George Cooper and wife Sarah, David Edwards and wife Elizabeth, and Chamberlain Jackson, in consideration of £25 paid to said George, David and Chamberlain by John Church, Biggleswade, brickmaker, surrendered - 1/4th part of which Sarah, Elizabeth and Chamberlain were respectively entitled, of --- piece of land near Cowfairlands breadth from E to W 43ft of assize depth from N to S 40ft of assize N formerly William Carter S common footpath E formerly Henry Larkins W formerly William Carter --- use and enjoyment of well situate on premises formerly of William Carter, and privilege of drawing water therefrom --- cottages or buildings late in occupations of Henry Austin, John Watts, Eliza Yorke, Benjamin Brittain and widow Jackson, near Cowfairlands, erected on piece of ground containing 8p to 2 x 1/4th parts of which the said Sarah Cooper and Elizabeth Edwards were admitted tenants and coparcenors on 23 April 1880 on intestacy of William Francis and to 1/4th part Chamberlain Jackson was admitted tenant at same Court as heir at law of Mary Jackson, who would have been another coparcenor of William Francis, if she had been living to use of said John Church according to custom of said Manor Said John Smith is now admitted tenant to the property rent - 3åd fine -1Åd
  • Date free text
    27 April 1883
  • Production date
    From: 1883 To: 1883
  • Level of description