• Reference
  • Title
    Release of enfranchisement [lease missing] i) Sir Francis Willes, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, Middx., knight, Lord of the Manor of Bigleswade ii) Daniel Chapman Joseph Margetts Pierson (late the younger) both of Hitchin, Herts, merchants and co-partners (who have survived George Hogg, elder, late of Kings Lynn, Norfolk, and John Crabb, Hitchin, merchants and co-partners) Now in consideration of £105 7s 6d paid by ii) to i) i) releases to ii) - messuage with counting house etc in Shortmead Street, Biggleswade - wharf formerly part of Salthouse Orchard yearly rent - 1åd - stables and close pasture adjoining in Shortmead Street, Biggleswade (1åa) yearly rent - 4d cottage in Shortmead End, Biggleswade, yearly rent - 4d - messuage and close pasture called the Salthouse, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade yearly rent - 2åd - 8 x 1/9th parts --- 2 cottages heretofore 1 cottage in Shortmead End, Biggleswade --- other cottage late William Richardsons yearly rent - 1s 6d to which George Hogg, John Crabb, Daniel Chapman and Joseph Margetts Pierson were admitted at Court on 11 and 12 April 1809 on surrender of Cornelius Pateman Herbert and Nathaniel Vincent Herbert - cottage in Shortmead Street adjoining Black Swan -stable in yard of Black Swan, adjoining said cottage and as much of yard as runs in diagonal line from N end of said cottage to W or SW corner of stables to which premises George Hogg, John Crabb, Daniel Chapman and Joseph Margetts Pierson were admitted at Court on 20 November on surrender of Cornelius Pateman Herbert and Nathaniel Vincent Herbert to be held by ii) exonerated from any payments due to the Manor of Biggleswade also i) confirms to ii) - all common rights which they could have claimed in the property as joint tenants signature of i) endorsed receipt witness Isaac Hindley, Baldock
  • Date free text
    3 Dec 1811
  • Production date
    From: 1811 To: 1811
  • Level of description