• Reference
  • Title
    Cheapside (later 15, Cheapside) and barbers Lane, Luton. Reconveyance (i) Richard Thomas Cooke, Luton, gentleman (ii) William Drewett, Luton, engineer John Higgins, Luton, plumber reciting mortgage of 4 October 1875 (a) Gustavus Jordan, Luton, accountant (b) said R T Cooke consideration - £500 paid by (b) to (a) (a) conveyed to (b) 1stly - piece land on NW side of newly laid out street in Luton called Cheapside, and W side of Barbers Lane. SE & E Cheapside and Barbers Lane and extended 180ft S Messrs Drewett W partly Frederick Brown partly Bleach House or right of way lately sold by (a) to A W Lindsell partly Edward Hinton N late James Cooper Pigg and then of Edward Hinton -clockmaker's shop next property of Messrs Drewett fronting Cheapside, in occupation of Thomas Warren, and greenhouse and other buildings standing thereon 2ndly - piece land on NW side of Cheapside SE Cheapside and extended 54ft NE Trustees of late Joseph Bailey, deceased and extended 60ft 9 inches W Barbers Lane and extended 72ft 4 inches S piece of land thereinafter described and extended 24ft 6 inches said piece of land was opposite the Plait Hall and shown in plan of deed of 2 October 1875 - small piece of land on SW side of above described piece of land NE above piece of land remaining sidesCheapside and Barbers Lane also shown on deed of 2 October 1875 to secure repayment of said £500 and 5% interest reciting conveyance of 14 November 1879 1) R T Cooke 2)G Jordan 3)H M Postmaster General - plot of land (part of piece 2ndly described) was conveyed by 1) and 2) to 3) the whole of the purchase money being received by 2) reciting will of Gustavus Jordan dated 5 December 1879 by which he appointed (ii) as executors and devised all his real estate to them on trust. He died on 12 March 1881. Will proved (Northampton) on 5 April 1881 now in consideration of £500 paid by (ii) to (i), out of personal estate of Gustavus Jordan, deceased (i) conveys to (ii) -above mentioned property (except part sold to HMPG) to hold on trusts in will of Gustavus Jordan sig of (i) endorsed receipt wit Henry B Scard, clerk to Mr Cooke, solicitor Luton
  • Date free text
    1 Jul 1881
  • Production date
    From: 1881 To: 1881
  • Reference
  • Level of description