• Reference
  • Title
    42-44 George Street, Luton. Conveyance (i) Edwin Carpenter, 13 South Place, Albion Road, Stoke Newington, Middx, gentleman (ii) James Cooper Pigg, 5 Sudeley Street, Brighton, Sussex, surgeon (iii) Charles Lenton, Clifton, plait dealer reciting mortgage of 14 July 1863 (a) said J C Pigg (b) said Edwin Carpenter consideration - £600 (i) conveyed to (ii) - said hereditaments to secure repayment of said £600 and interest at 5 % said £600 is now still owing also (ii) is also entitled to property 2ndly described consideration - £600 paid to (i) by (iii) at request of (ii) - further sum of £2800 paid by (iii) to (ii) (total £3400 purchase money) (i) at request of (ii) grants to (iii) 1stly - 2 messuages or tenements formerly 1 messuage now in occupation of executors of late Mrs Butler, and Alfred Tyler, near the George Inn, Luton one side gateway belonging to said messuages 2ndly described other side warehouse and premises of Robert How fronting on George Street on SW known as nos 48 and 46 in said street - piece of ground converted into a garden and yard to said messuages, abutting at lower end on Barbers Lane, now in occupation of executors of late Mrs Butler and said Alfred Tyler 2ndly - piece of land on NE side of George Street - 2 messuages or tenements erected on SW front now in occupations of Alfred Cribbs and William Rudd - 6, lately 7, cottages erected on SE part adjoining above, now in occupations of Bird, Sandon, Field, Young, Gibbs and one unoccupied, and known as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 11, Spencer Yard - 4 cottages on NE part, where wool warehouse formerly stood. Now in occupations of Day, Humphrey, Poulton and Hoofield, and now known as 1, 3, 5, 7 in Spencer's Yard to be held by (iii) discharged from mortgage debt of £600 sigs of (i) and (ii) endorsed receipts wits Wm Carpenter, jnr, 4, Brabant Court, Philpott Lane, London Richard Cooke, solicitor, Luton 8 October 1872 also endorsed with: Memorandum as to conveyance of premises to Edward Hazzard by deed of 25 March 1873
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1872 To: 1873
  • Level of description