Cross Keys Inn, Luton. Mortgage
(i) Thomas Deacon, Luton, yeoman
(ii) Frances Mortlock, Stamford, Lincs, spinster consideration - £850 lent by (ii) to (i)
(i) releases to (ii)
- The Cross Keys, now in occupation of (i)
- piece of land on SW side of Stuart Street, Luton
NE Stuart Street, with frontage of 14ft
NW road leading to General Cemetery containing 112ft
SW trustees of late Marquis of Bute, being 72ft
SW partly - said trustees
- cottages of Amos Lawrence containing 72ft 7 inches and 47ft
- messuage etc now standing on above piece of land subject (as to 2ndly described piece of land and messuage) to a mortgage of 30 September 1861 between (i) and John Anstee, Lewsey Farm, farmer, to secure repayment of £250 and interest.
Interest on above £850 - 5 % pa
premises to be insured in sum of £1100
mark of (i)
endorsed receipt
wit Richard Cooke, sol, Luton Francis Foster, his clerk
Date free text
5 Oct 1861
Production date
From: 1861 To: 1861
Level of description