• Reference
  • Title
    Attested copy of Transfer of Mortgage (i) Henry Pinks Arnold, Coleman Green, Herts, gentleman (ii) Thomas Davies, St Albans, Herts, gentleman (iii) Frederick Chase, Tiverton, Devon (iv) Thomas Sibley, Bengeo, Herts, gentleman Reciting mortgage of 26 March 1844 [see Z713/5] Reciting also conveyance of 17 July 1845 [see Z713/7] Reciting also mortgage of 22 September 1848 (a) Frederick Chase (b) Thomas Davies Consideration - £1,000 paid by (b) to (a) - Langley Lodge, thirdly hereinafter described were assured to (b) to secure repayment of £1,000 plus interest Reciting that since date of above, a large portion of Langley Lodge has been conveyed to Charles Harrison, Henry Sibley, George Bailey and others, leaving premises 3rdly described now remaining. £400 was recently paid by (iii) to (ii), leaving £600 still payable, all interest having been paid to date. £200 is still due to (i) by virtue of said mortgage. (iii) being desirous of paying off said sums of £200 and £600 and of raising another £200 to supply other occasions, has asked (iv) to advance him £1,000. Now in consideration of £200 paid by (iv) to (i) at request of (iii) being in full satisfaction of all monies owed to (i). And in consideration of £200 paid by (iv) to (iii) (i) at request of (iii) (in so far as regards piece of land containing 20p and 2 yards, with 12 cottages standing thereon) and (iii) (as regards property 1stly and 2ndly described), grant and convey to (iv) 1stly - piece of land in Bailey Field (20p and 2 yds) which was conveyed to George Barrett by deed of 25 March 1844 [see Z713/4] - 12 cottages (lately 10, 2 more having been lately erected) standing on said piece of ground in occupations of Maria Norton, William Mardle, William Warren, William Trott, William Holland, William Hardwick, Samuel Weekly, William Sharp, Joseph Rumball, George Dawson, James Martin and William Poulton. 2ndly - piece of land in Bailey Field (6p) 72 ft in length 24 ft in width - 14p land, 127 ft 9 ins in length, 30 ft in width To hold to use of (iv) discharged from proviso for redemption and the power for sale. And in consideration of £600 paid by (iv) to (ii) at request of (iii) being in full satisfaction of all monies owing to him. (Total - £1,000 intended to be secured). (ii) and (iii) convey to (iv) 3rdly - capital messuage near the London Road, Luton, called Langley Lodge etc (1r 18p 19 yds and 6 ft more) late in occupation of (iii) but now of William Hunt as is now walled in on SE and NW sides. SE garden late of (iii) and now of Charles Harrison SW pasture of Richard Vyse NW Catherine Cook NE Union Street (new street) Said premises are residue of those in mortgage to Thomas Davies. To hold to use of (iv) discharged from proviso for redemption and power of sale. To secure repayment of £1,000 and interest at 5% p.a. (iii) shall have power to pay off said debt on giving three caldendar months notice in writing in (iv) sigs (copy) of all sigs of wits (copy) John Wood, miller, West Exe, Tiverton, Devon George Bailey, Solicitor, Market Hill, Luton Receipts 17 April 1852 Attested true copy 19 April 1853
  • Date free text
    Apr 1852-Apr 1853
  • Production date
    From: 1852 To: 1853
  • Level of description