• Reference
  • Title
    Will of Edward Gale of Toddington, grocer: Wills that such debts as he justly owes at the time of his decease together with his funeral charges be paid and discharged by his executors. Gives to his son George Gale in fee simple, his fifth part of the Ship Inn, Southwark (Surrey). Gives to his son Edward Gale in fee simple, his messuage where his (the testator's) mother lives in, with its appurtenances, at Dunstable. Gives to his son EG, £150. Gives to his son EG, if his (testator's) mother survives him, 5 pa during the term of her natural life to be paid him by equal payments by his executors and no longer. Gives to his son Thomas Gale, his new built contd house in Toddington, now in the occupation of Roger Weedon senior. Gives to his son Thomas Gale, his new built house in Toddington, now in the occupation of Roger Weedon senior.Gives to his son John Gale, the house in Tanners End in Toddington now in the occuption of Edward Read, and to the heirs of his sons Thomas and John lawfully begotten and for want of issue to the heirs of the Gales for ever to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike (except his son George Gale whom he has already provided for). Nominates and appoints the Rev Mr John Lord, rector of Toddington, and Roger Johnson of Dunstable, draper, as trustees to see this will performed. Gives and bequeathes the residue of his personal estate (except what he has otherwise disposed of in an annexed schedule [missing]) to his sons Thomas and John Gale whom he makes whole and joint executors. Wills that immediately after his death his personal estate shall be fairly valued and that his sons Thomas and John Gale shall go on jointly in the trade till one of them shall marry and then it shall be at the election of his son Thomas Gale to keep the trade on at Toddington for himself and to pay to his brother John Gale of what the stock shall be valued at (he abating one half for losses and bad debts); and wills that if Thomas will not stay at Toddington, then John shall pay Thomas of what the stock is valued at allowing for losses and bad debts if any. Gives and bequeathes the house given to Thomas Gale above, in the event of TG dying before he marries, to John Gale. Wills that John Gale shall pay to his brother Edward Gale, £60, and to his brother George Gale, £20. Gives the house given to John Gale above, in the event of JG dying before he marries, to Thomas Gale; TG then to pay the legacies to EG and GG. Wills that if any difference arise or happen by any of his sons upon anything in the will, then he orders that the difference in dispute be determined by his trustees or, if they cannot agree to determine it, their choice of an indifferent person to assist them, the determination of any two of them to be final,and the peron refusing to stand by the contd determination to be utterly debarred of the legacy given them (that legacy then to be given among the rest of his children share and share alike). Witnesses: Thomas Groome, John Simons and Roger Weedon. Annexed grant of probate to Thomas Gale in the P.C.C. at London, 2 Jan 1734.Endorsements:Inscribed 'No. 8'.
  • Date free text
    1 Feb 1732
  • Production date
    From: 1732 To: 1732
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