• Reference
  • Title
    Probate of the will of Elizabeth Taylor, Victoria Street, Luton, widow friends - Henry Holyoak of Luton, auctioneer, and Henry Pigott Newland, Luton, corn merchant, appointed executors and trustees ... to said executors - £10 each as acknowledgment of trouble ... to sisters, Ann Evans and Sarah Jane Wootton - wardrobe, linen and plate to be divided between them equally ... to said executors - shares in Luton Gas and Water Companies on trust to pay half of dividends to sister Ann Evans, and after her death to transfer one half part of said shares to such person as she shall appoint by will, and in default of such will to the person next of kin to her and entitled to her personal estate remaining half part of dividends to sister Sarah Jane Wootton, and after her decease, to next of kin (as above) ... executors - all household goods, money and residue of perosnal estate etc and effects not previously bequeathed in trust to convert into money and after payment of debts and legacies to divide surplus between brothers, Thomas Fenwick, Joh Fenwick and James Fenwick and sister in law Mary Ann Fenwick but if she dies in testator's lifetime then her share to be divided amongst such of her children as shall attain 21, and sister Mary Crispin, late husband's 3 brothers, John Taylor, Joseph Taylor and Ephraim Taylor and late husband's nephew, George John Harding, in equal shares ... to said trustees any estates vested in testator by way of mortgage or on trust date of will 23 Nov 1877 date of death of testator 2 May 1887 date of probate (Northampton) 29 July 1887 gross value of estate - £5098 8s 7d
  • Date free text
    1877 - 1887
  • Production date
    From: 1877 To: 1887
  • Level of description