• Reference
  • Title
    Appointment of new trustees of the Almshouse Charity i) Thos Hankey Sir Edw Ryan Gilb Elliot Thomson Hankey Edw Burr Rev Fred Hose ii) Lord Chas Jas Fox Russell Jervoise Smith Wm Elliot, Dunstable, manufacturer Josiah Thos Rogers, Dunstable, coal merchant By Order of Court of Chancery of 11 Aug 1848 and 20 Jan 1852 a Scheme was settled for the management of sd charities. No. of trustees to be 8. All to be members of Church of England. 3 to be resident within parish of Dunstable or within 5 miles and should be possessed of real estate of clear yearly value of £20 p.a. or more. Remaining 5 trustees to be trustees of Clergy Charity Supplemental scheme for disposal of surplus funds of Almshouse Charity was made 14 Jan 1861. By deed, under this scheme, of 27 Jan 1861 bet a) Hen Parrott b) Thos Hankey, Edw Ryan, Thomson Hankey, Fred Hose, Lord C J F Russell, C W G Puller (since dec), Wm Elliott and Jos Thos Rogers, prems in part 3 of schedule were released to trustees under trusts of supplemental scheme By deed of 1 Apr 1865 bet I) Jn Boyle, Wm Stuart, jnr, Chas Stuart and II) Thos Hankey, Edw Ryan, and Thomson Hankey, land or road in part 4 were conveyed to II) as trustees By deed of 26 Dec 1865 A) Jn Boyle, Wm Stuart, Chas Stuart and B) sd Thos Hankey, Edw Ryan and Thos Hankey [sic], 10 freehold cotts as in Part 5 of Schedule, conveyed to B) as trustees now i) nominate ii) who are qualified to act as new trustees in place of Sir R H Inglis (dec), G Elliot (declined), C W G Puller (dec), Josiah Rogers (dec) and Edw Burr (removed from area) Prop transferred to them With schedule and maps of the Charity prop in Luton and Dunstable sigs all endorsed wits Jno Geo Chilman Green Ford Wm Bradley 16 Mar 1866 also endorsed with: Appointment of new trustees 1) Thos Hankey Edw Ryan Thomson Hankey Fred Hose Lord CJF Russell J Smith Josiah Thos Rogers 2) Rev Hugh Blagg Smyth, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, clk Geo Elliott, Luton, Esq 1) appoints 2) as trustees in place of Wm Elliot (dec) and J T Rogers (declined) Prop transferred to them sigs all wits Wm Knight, butler to Thos Hankey A Longridge, sol's clk I Wm Sewell G Hare, sol's clk 14 May 1867
  • Date free text
    1866 - 1867
  • Production date
    From: 1866 To: 1867
  • Level of description