• Reference
  • Title
    Deed i) Jn Fairey, Chellington, farmer Jethro John Wiggins, Drayton Lodge, Northants., farmer Arthur William Saunders, Odell, farmer ii) Susannah Goff, Harrold, widow of John iii) Caleb Le Fevre, senior, Harrold, retired butcher Charles Ireson Robinson, Harrold, builder John Fairey, Chellington, farmer William Robinson, Spratton, Northants., farmer iv) trustees of Harrold Congregational church as in schedule CONVEYANCE to (iv) for £185 of property as above
  • Date free text
    5 August 1887
  • Production date
    From: 1887 To: 1887
  • Loan status
    WDRAWNpermanently withdrawn
  • Level of description