• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage from John Webdale, John Henry Snell Webdale rehousemen and china, earthenware, furniture and general dealers, in co-partnership as J.Webdale & Sons, to Adelina Patti Ostler of the Old Rectory, West Street, Dunstable, to secure £2000 and interest at £4% p.a., of: (a) a parcel of land as in /8(a) together with two messuages or shops, and outbuildings, described here as bounded on the N by Wellington Street, on the E by a messuage, shop and premises of William Stalker, on the W by a shop and premises late of William Roberts and now of Mrs Conder and on the S by (b). (b) parcel of land adjoining (a) containing twenty-five poles and twenty three yards with the warehouse erected and standing on part, bounded on the NE by hereditaments and premises of John Chadwick Kershaw, on the SE by other land of JW, JHSW and FCW not to be conveyed, on the X858/13 ctd. SW by property of the trustees of the late Francis Pigott and on the NW partly by property of Mrs Conder and partly by (a); being land conveyed on 23 June 1902 from John Chadwick Kershaw to JW, JHSW and FCW. Includes acknowledgement to produce an indenture dated 29 Dec 1900 between John Webdale and Richard George Byers of the first, and John Henry Snell Webdale and Frederick Charles Webdale of the other part which relates to (a) as well as other freehold and leasehold estate forming the property of the partnership.
  • Date free text
    24 Jun 1902
  • Production date
    From: 1902 To: 1902
  • Level of description