• Reference
  • Title
    Assignment of two several terms of 1000 years. 1 John Head, Covington, Hunts, gent (assignor) 2a John Clare, Wilden, yeoman 2b Thomas Clare, Bedford, watchmaker 3 James Dyson, Margate, Kent, Esq (previous assignee) 4 William Young Knight, St James, Westminster, Middx, gent (new assignee) Whereas by indenture of 30 January 1802 between said John Clare and John Grant, Great Barford, yeoman. John Clare in consideration £150 conveyed to John Grant one undivided moiety for the term of 1000 years: - 4a close of pightle of pasture will appurtenances in the hamlet of Hoodwick End, Wilden adjacent a messuage on the west thereof which said premises were occupied by said John Clare. And Whereas by assignment the said undivided moiety on 4 April 1808 became vested in William Parsons, Wootton, Pullinge, Wootton, farmer and dairyman, for the residue of the term of 1000 years for securing the payment of £375 and interest. And Whereas by indenture of three parts of 1 June 1811 made btween i) William Parsons, ii) John Clare, iii) John Head, consideration £375 paid to i) by iii) at the request of ii) and £225 paid to ii) by iii) the undivided moiety. But subject to a proviso for the reassignment to ii) on the payment of £600 by ii) to iii) on 1 January next [1812]. And Whereas by indenture of 4 April 1806 between i) Thomas Clare, ii) Martha Clare, widow, iii) William Parsons, consideration £300 paid to i) by iii), i) did sell to iii) the undivided moiety for the term of 1000 years, but subject to a proviso for making the same void on payment by i) to iii) of £300 and interest on 4 October next. And Whereas by indenture of three parts of 1 June 1811 between i) William Parsons, ii) Thomas Clare, iii) John Head reciting the last indenture and a further charge for £75 and interest and that all interest of the said principal had been paid by ii) to i) it was witnessed that in consideration £375 to i) paid by iii) by the direction of ii) and of £75 to iii) paid by i) by the direction of ii), ii) did grant and confirm to iii) the last mentioned moiety for the remainder of the term of 1000 years subject for a proviso for the reassignment to ii) on payment by ii) to iii) of £450 and interest by 1 January next. And Whereas by indenture of 17 December 1812 between i) Thomas Clare and John Head in consideration. £100 to i) by ii) and of £450 principal money owing by the last indenture, i) did sell and confirm to ii) the said moiety for the residue of 1000 years subject to a proviso for reassignment to i) on payment by him to ii) of said £450 but also of £100 then advanced with interest on 14 June next [1813] And Whereas the said sums of £450 and £100 remain due to John Head. And Whereas John and Thomas Clare last May [1813] caused the freehold in the premises to be put up for sale by public auction at the Swan Inn, Bedford. James Dyson, being the highest bidder declared the purchaser by indentures of lease and release, 13/14 December last [1813]. Recites X631/36 Whereas John Head being satisfied with the remainder of the premises in the hereintofore recited indentures as a security for the repayment of the sums due to him hath agreed to assign the said close of land to have been so assured to the said James Dyson with appurtenaces to William Young Knight for the residue of the said terms of 1000 years. Witnesseth in consideration of said agreements expressed and in consideration 10s to John Head paid by William Young Knight before the executors of these presents, John Head (on the nomination of James Dyson and at the request of John and Thomas Clare) doth bargain sell and assign to William Young Knight all close of pasture and hereditaments or the residue of the several terms of 1000 years and by indenture of release of 14 December conveyed the same to James Dyson Signed and sealed: John Head, John Clare, Thos Clare, (pencilled inititals J O and W Y K) Witnesses: Wm Day of St Neots, Jas Moore, Clerk to Mr Day
  • Date free text
    14 December 1813
  • Production date
    From: 1813 To: 1813
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