• Reference
  • Title
    Assignment of term of 1000 years (Tripartite) 1 George Makeham, Pavenham, yeoman 2a Robert Bowyer, the younger, Stevington, mattmaker b Joseph Keep, Wellingborough, Northants, brazier c Sarah Keep, wife of above, one of the daughters and coheiresses named in the Will of Alice Bowyer, deceased heretofore the wife of George Wales, Bedford, fellmonger also deceased and late wife of Wm Bowyer, Stevington, gent deceased 3 Thomas Bowyer, Stevington, cordwainer (trustee) Whereas by mortgage 23 February 1756 between 1 Joseph Keep and wife Sarah 2 George Makeham 1 to use of 2 for term of 1000 years: - moiety or å part of messuage or tenement, storehouses, wool barns, barn, stable, garden and orchard plot and premises at St Marys, Bedford - 5 closes of pasture or enclosed grounds at Wilden; Brook Close, Wheathouse Close, Great Cuckows, Little Cuckows and Ruddocks Pightle formerly occupied by Henry Wagstaff, then of Richard Wagstaff his assignee. - 2 other closes of pasture or spinney at Wilden called Two Cawfield spinneys formerly occupied by Henry Wagstaff, then of Richard Wagstaff his heirs and assigns - several pieces of arable land, ley, meadow and pasture in the Wilden parish fields containing 36a - several pieces of arable land and ley ground in parish fields of Gt Barford containing 9a formerly occupied Thos Ventiman his assignee or assigns and then Oliver Brace - with full å part of all houses, outhouses and appurtenance and profits etc Rent: 1 peppercorn Proviso If Joseph Keep and wife Sarah pay to George Makeham and assigns £150. With interest on appointed day the said indenture to be void. Whereas by indenture 20 June 1757 between 1 George Makeham (mortgagor) 2 Robert Bowyer and wife Ann Joseph Keep and wife Sarah (vendors) 3 Henry Fleming (mortgagee & purchaser) 4 Chas Jackson, clerk Wm Smith, clerk (trustees for 3) said principal £150 not paid at date stipulated so estate and interest vested absolutely in George Makeham for residue of 1000 years. Now due owing to George Makeham £155 principal and interest. Henry Fleming agreed with Robert and Ann Bowyer and Joseph and Sarah Keep for absolute purchase of premises at Bedford for £252, to be conveyed by lease and release. Witnesseth in consideration of £155 (being part of £252 purchase money) in full discharge of principal and interest to George Makeham paid by Henry Fleming and consideration 5s paid to Makeham by Charles Jackson and William Smith, George Makeham with consent of Robert and Anne Bowyer and Joseph and Sarah Keep and at nomination of Henry Fleming assign and transfer to Chas Jackson and Wm Smith, messuage etc at Bedford in trust for the benefit of Hen Fleming heirs and assigns. Whereas Robert Bowyer contracted with Joseph and Sarah Keep for absolute purchase of one moiety or half part of premises at Wilden for £108. This indenture witnesseth consideration £155 paid to Geo Makeham by Hen Fleming 5s paid to Geo Makeham by Thos Bowyer George Makeham sold (at nomination of Robert and Ann Bowyer and Joseph and Sarah Keep) to Thomas Bowyer å part of premises at Wilden and Gt Barford for 1000 years As to premises at Wilden to the use of Joseph and Sarah Keep heirs and assigns And George Makeham has done nothing whereby lands shall be impeached, charged or encumbered. Signed and sealed: George Makeham, Joseph Keep, Sarah Keep, Robert Bowyer Junr, Thomas Bowyer Witnesses: Jno Marsh, A Steventon, Lawrence Hall [?] 19 September 1757 Endorsed Deed Poll Recites: indenture 23 Feb 1756 Whereas Robert Bowyer conveyed premises at Wilden to Thomas Palmer, now of Bedford, gent by indenture lease and release of [illegible] assigned premises to Edward Gearey, St Gabriel, Fenchurch Street, London [illegible] who has devised that said term of 1000 years kept on foot and that assigned premises be assigned over unto Nathaniel Hulme, Middx, Doctor in Physic his executor and assigns, for reminder of 1000 years in trust for Edward Green his heirs and assigns. Witnesseth 10s paid to Thomas Bowyer paid by Nathaniel Hulme Thos Bowyer conveyed premises with consent of Thomas Palmer and Edward Green to Nath Hulme. - 5 closes pasture or enclosed ground at Wilden, Brook Close, Wheat House Close, Gt Cockhows, Lt Cuckhowes and Ruddocks Pightle - 2 other closes pasture ground or spinneys at Wilden, called Two Cowfield Spinneys - Several pieces arable land, ley, meadow and pasture in Wilden fields of 36a with appurtenances Edward Green, heirs and assigns in trust for remaining 1000 years Sealed and delivered by Thos Bowyer and Thomas Palmer (being 1st duly stamped) Witnesses:Jeremy Fish Palmer, Thos Kidman Deed poll endorsed on deed and sealed and delivered: Edward Green and Nath Hulme. Witnesses: Thos Palmer, Thos Bowyer 9 October 1775
  • Date free text
    19 September 1757 - 9 October 1775
  • Production date
    From: 1757 To: 1775
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