• Reference
  • Title
    Feoffment i) Margaret Whisson, Tempsford, widow James Whisson, one of sons of said Margaret ii)John Emery, Little Barford, yeoman consideration - £140 paid to i) by ii) i) enfeoff etc to ii) - messuage in Eaton Socon E heirs of John Dufferne W The Falcon N the street in occupation of widow Barcock and widow Radwell - little pightle of pasture adjoining (åa) - 7 pieces meadow in Eaton Lammas Meadow (2a 1år) - 8a arable and ley ground in common and open fields of Eaton Socon to be held of the Chief Lord of the Fee mark of Margaret Whisson signature of James Whisson endorsed receipt livery of seisin witnesses Simon Stafford Math Siblee (mark) John Thurston.
  • Date free text
    2 May 1707
  • Production date
    From: 1707 To: 1707
  • Level of description