• Reference
  • Title
    Lease and release (marked Lot II) i)Thomas Biscoe, late of Cuffley, Herts., now of Enfield, Middx., farmer; Edward Chapman, younger, late of Rushden, Northants, but now of Oakley, farmer (devisees in fee in trust under will of John Smith, formerly of Medbury Farm, Elstow, and late of Bedford, gentleman, deceased) ii) Charles Small, Bedford, common brewer iii) Charles Short, Bedford, surgeon (trustee for Charles Small) iv) Samuel Lovell, Bedford, coal merchant reciting will of John Smith of 21 February 1821 (X803/6) and devise to wife, Francis Smith Francis Smith died on 10 May 1829 Premises sold by public auction in 3 lots on 9 June last (Mr Odell, auctioneer) at which hereinafter described premises were Lot II and purchased by ii) for £170 Now in consideration of £170 paid to i) by ii) i) release to ii) - messuage in Well Street, St Paul's, Bedford, formerly in occupation of Ebenezer Smith otherwise Lion and now of Thomas Hart - other messuage adjoining the above - small piece garden ground adjoining as now stumped out with liberty of ingress etc for iv) at all times over a passage way 3ft 7in wide leading from Well Street to other cottages sold by i) to iv). Also liberty for iv) to use well of water belonging to above mentioned messuage in occupation of Thomas Hart last described premises were formerly in occupation of Edward Cooch and then of his widow and now of John Hull N iv), purchased from i) W Mr William Dawes E - Eastaff S Well Street to use of ii) or iii) in trust for ii) to prevent any wife of ii) being entitled to dower out of the premises. Whereas deeds as in Schedule relate not only to this property but also to other property of Samuel Lovell purchased from i), it has been agreed that they should remain in custody of iv) iv) now covenants to produce them if required Schedule Lease and Release of 18 and 19 October 1763 Lease and Release of 19 and 20 December 1766 Mortgage of 25 October 1781 Assignment of mortgage of 9 November 1781 Feoffment and assignment of 10 October 1801 Signatures of i) and iv) endorsed receipt witnesses Fras. Jno Budd, attorney, Bedford Josh Goodwin, his clerk 29 and 30 October 1829.
  • Date free text
    1801 & 1829
  • Production date
    From: 1801 To: 1829
  • Level of description