Memorandum of Agreement
i) The Rt. Hon. Beauchamp Mowbray, Lord St John of Bletsoe
ii) Alfred Rawlinson, The Cottage, Bletsoe, Esq,
i) agrees to let, and ii) to hire
term - 1 year from 6 April 1894, determinable on
6 April or 11 October in any year
- house known as 'The Cottage', and land in Bletsoe (8a 3r 1p) late in occupation of ii). rent - £70 p.a.
- £10 p.a. for every acre meadow or pasture converted into tillage without consent of i)
- £5 p.a.. for every acre arable meadow or pasture
cropped or sown contrary to this agreement
i) to find bricks, tiles, timber etc for the building
With liberty to i) to fell and carry away timber, wood
or trees
ii) to paint outside wood and ironwork every four years
and inside every seven years
various provisions as to husbandry
if ii) desires exclusive right of sport over premises
in Bletsoe containing 1197a called The Bletsoe Shooting
(as now held by W H Symington, Esq, by agreement of 25 January 1894) and shall give notice in writing to i)
before 1 December 1894, then he shall have exclusive
right of sport over the Bletsoe Shooting from 2 February 1895 at yearly rent of £70, subject to formal agreement. If tenancy of The Cottage cease on 6 April in any year,
then right of shooting shall determine on previous 1 February. If tenancy determines on 11 October then shooting shall end on next 1 February.
signature of i).
Date free text
10 May 1894
Production date
From: 1894 To: 1894
Level of description