Probate of the will of John Fountain, the elder, Eaton Bray, yeoman
... to son, Richard Fountain
- messuage, cottage, garden etc in the Summer Leys in Eaton Bray, in tenure of Benjamin Hubbins, which he purchased of Robert Roe for ever, subject to mortgage debt affecting the same debts (except mortgage debt) to be paid out of personal estate
... to dear wife, Ann Fountain
- all other messuages, cottages, lands etc in Eaton Bray and elsewhere in England for life, she keeping them in good repair and insured after decease of wife
...to son John Fountain
-new erected cottage in Eaton Bray in occupation of William Gurney for life, and then to Richard Fountain for ever
... to son James Fountain
- cottage in Eaton Bray in occupation of son-in-law William Knight
- 3 x 1/2a arable in parish and fields of Eaton Bray
--- 1/2a in the Orling
--- 1/2a shooting to Icknield Way near Varney's Barn
---1/2a in - furlong above Icknield Way for life and then to Richard Fountain for ever
--- to Richard Fountain
- cottage or tenement 'wherein I now dwell' in Eaton Bray, outhouses, yard, orchard and common of pasture for 2 cows on Eaton Green
- close of pasture known as Moat Hall in Eaton Bray to Richard Fountain for ever subject to payment of £20 each to testators 2 daughters, Sarah wife of Thomas Bligh and Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Proctor. To be paid to Sarah 6 months after he comes into the property and 6 months later to Elizabeth
... to son, Samuel Fountain
- newly erected cottage in occupation of Elizabeth Gadsden and close pasture and sward ground adjoining and now in testator's own occupation
fence dividing said close from orchard devised to son, Richard Fountain, to be made and maintained by them jointly to be held by Samuel Fountain for ever subject to payment of £20 to testator's daughter, Charlotte, wife of William Knight
to son, Thomas Fountain
- cottage in Eaton Bray now in occupation of Benjamin Hubbins, the elder
- such part of outhouses, garden and common of pasture for one cow and fruit trees on the Green etc now occupied by Benjamin Hubbins, the elder, and William Fountain
- West Mead in Eaton Bray to Thomas Fountain for ever
... to son, William Fountain
- other cottage in Eaton Bray, late in occupation of mother-in-law, Mary Fountain, widow
- barns, orchard, common of pasture for one cow, fruit trees standing on the Green etc as were late occupied by mother-in-law and self
- other piece meadow and sward called the Hook next adjoining Summer Leys, in Eaton Bray to William Fountain for ever
... also to wife
-residue of household goods, furniture, money, live and dead stock and personal estate etc for life. After her decease then to said 9 children i.e. John Fountain, Richard Fountain, James Fountain, Samuel Fountain, Thomas Fountain, William Fountain, Sarah Bligh, Sarah Proctor and Charlotte Knight, equally to be divided between them
Said wife, Ann Fountain, and son Richard Fountain, appointed joint executors and executrix of this will
copy signature of John Fountain
copy signatures of witnesses Nathl Cartwright
Mary Ann Cartwright
Jas Cartwright
will dated 23 March 1835
with codicil
whereas he is indebted to Nathaniel Cartwright of Dunstable, gentleman, in £115 5s charged on his real estates in Eaton Bray, and interest at 5% p.a., now he charges cottages etc devised to son, Thomas Fountain, with payment of £20, part of said sum, and proportionate part of interest. Cottages devised to son Richard charged with payment of £95 5s, remainder of said sum, and proportionate part of interest
copy signature of John Fountain, senr
copy signatures of witnesses Mary Ann Cartwright
Nathl Cartwright
codicil dated 2 February 1838
probate (Bedford) 'assets sub £100'