• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance by way of Exchange between: (i) The Right Honourable Andrew Beauchamp, Lord Saint John and Richard Longuet Orlebar of Hinwick House, esquire (ii) Thomas Charles Higgins of Turvey House, esquire (iii) Charles Longuet Higgins of Turvey Abbey, esquire (iv) the Reverend William Breighton Russell of Turvey, clerk Recitals: (I) Indentures of Lease and Release dated 6 and 7 Jul 1838 between Thomas Charles Higgins (i), Charlotte Price of Hambledon Cottage, spinster (now the wife of (i)), (ii) the Right Honourable Andrew Beauchamp, Lord Saint John and Richard Longuet Orlebar of Hinwick House, esquire (iii), the Right Honourable Henry Manners, Lord Waterpark (iv), the Right Honourable Henry Talbot, commonly called Viscount Ingestre and Francis Pym of the Hassels, Bedfordshire (v), being the settlement upon the intended marriage of (i) and (ii). (II) Z 178/50 (III) Indenture forming a conveyance dated 10 Sep 1847 between parties to Z 178/54 of a the cottages or tenements as comprised in the third schedule, (with a cottage then in the occupation of William Stanton but which has since been taken down; the land now belonging to the Trustees of the Infant School), were conveyed to (iv), in exchange for certain other hereditaments, to such uses as in Z 178/50. Operative part: (i) at the direction of (ii) appoints that the hereditaments comprised in the First Schedule shall be conveyed in exchange for the hereditaments comprised in the Second and Third Schedule to (iv) in trust for (iii). Scheduled lands as follows: First Schedule: - The Tinker Inn, Turvey, formerly in the tenure of Robert Eyles, afterwards John Abbott, then of Jonathan Saunders, since of Richard Jones and now unoccupied. - land adjoining the Tinker Inn, and formerly called Tinker Inn Close, now in the occupation of George Paine - newly built cottages adjoining the Tinker Inn, on the E - a cottage now comprising two tenements in the occupation of John Odell and Thomas Stanton - an adjoining cottage in the occupation of William Hilson together with the barn, buildings, piece of ground and farmyard there in the occupation of Thomas Stanton, (all of which cottages were conveyed by Indentures of Lease and Release dated 23 and 24 Jul 1793 between John Higgins of Turvey House, William Farrer and Martha Farrer his daughter, the Right Honourable Edward Bouverie and Jacob Warner and Thomas Higgins) containing 1a., bounded on the W by buildings recently erected, intended to be used as a museum and National School and by the Laws Close on the N, by the common street on the E, and by the Infant School and premises belonging to the Villa on the S - four cottages in Turvey, on the N side of the common or High Street now in the respective occupations of James Stanton, Widow Davison and James Raban and Thomas Jackson, the two latter recently having converted out a barn there Second Schedule: - a cottage or tenement in Turvey adjoining the road leading to Carlton and the adjoining cottages - further adjoining cottages in the occupations of George Bailey, James Hicks, Thomas Milward and Jesse Arnold - three cottages with the bakehouse in Turvey on the N side of the High Street, in the occupation of George Brown, Isabel Harley and Amy Sargent - a small piece of woodland in Turvey lying in a plantation in the occupation of (iii) near Stone Pit Field Third Schedule: - four cottages in Turvey on the S side of High Street in the occupation of William Shelton, John Sargent, Rebecca How and Elizabeth Tysoe, except and reserving to (iii) uninterrupted right of passage of the width of 10ft to and from Turvey High Street, to be repaired by the tenant of the end cottage Witnesses: John Garrard, solicitor, Olney and James Page his clerk William Garrard, solicitor, Kettering John Cooch, solicitor, Newport Pagnell
  • Date free text
    13 May 1856
  • Production date
    From: 1856 To: 1856
  • Level of description