• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance (i) Richard Henry Ambridge, St John Street, Middlesex, corn dealer (ii) James Ellerd, Luton, plumber reciting Indenture of Appointment of 3 July 1841 (a) Thomas Bigg, Luton, blacksmith and iron founder (b) John Gardner, Luton, gentleman Consideration - £100 paid by (b) to (a) (a) by which assured property hereafter mentioned to (b) for term of 1000 years Rent - one peppercorn To secure repayment of £100 and interest at 5% p.a. Reciting Indenture of Further Charge of 8 September 1841. 1) Thomas Bigg 2) John Gardner Consideration - further £50 paid to 1) by 2) and interest at 5% p.a. Reciting also deed of 15 January 1844 A) John Gardner B) Thomas Bigg C) Richard Henry Ambridge £150 is now owing on security of above two mortgages A) required payment and C) had agreed to advance said £150 on having said mortgaged premises assigned to him for residue of said term of 1000 years Consideration - £150 paid to A) by C) A) at request of B) transfer to C) - £150 and interest - said property for residue of said term of 1000 years subject to equity of redemption It is agreed between Thomas Bigg and (i) that property should be subject to like power of sale if £150 and interest remains unpaid, as combined in Indenture of mortgage and further charge contained. On 18 January 1848 (i) gave notice to Thomas Bigg requiring payment of interest due, and on 30 May 1848 gave another notice in writing to Thomas Bigg requiring payment of £150 and interest, but said £150, interest and several other sums expended by (i) for repairs of said premises and incurred in an action of ejectment brought to recover possession of said property, is still due and owing to (i). So (i), in pursuance of powers of sale, put property up for sale by auction in Luton, but were not sold now, in consideration of £210 paid to (i) by (ii) (i) transfers to (ii) - piece of land as in Lease and Release of 28 and 29 September 1803 (19 1/4p) NW 14 ft road marked out by John Chase, Esq, dec., on NW of said piece of land, from land lately conveyed to William Levington, 122 ft. SE Land let to Thomas Crow, 128 ft. NE Another roadway marked out by John Chase, deceased, separating NE end of said piece of arable, from other land of John Chase alloted as garden ground, 39 ft 6 ins. SW Other land of John Chase let out as gardens, 52 ft 5 ins. - Two cottages built by Thomas Bigg on said piece of land to hold for residue of said term of 1000 years sigs of (i) and (ii) endorsed receipt Wits Edwd Clarke, sol, 29, Bedford Row William Hunt, sol, Luton 14 January 1853 also endorsed with: Conveyance I) Thomas Bigg, Luton, iron founder II) George Bowers, Luton, builder term of 1000 years has been assigned to II) for remainder of said term, and estate and interest of I) in said property is still outstanding. Consideration - £20 paid by II) to I). I) releases to II) - piece of land, cottages etc as described in mortgage of 3 July 1841 and in Further Charge of 8 September 1841 and in Deed of Assignment, and also in Assignment of 14 April 1855 [see next deed]. to hold to use of II) Sig of I) receipt Wit Richard Waring
  • Date free text
    17 Sep 1855
  • Production date
    From: 1855 To: 1855
  • Level of description