• Reference
  • Title
    Will. Of Ric. Odell of Cople. "In the name of God Amen I....being infirm of body but of sound and perfect memory, praised be God... give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God who gave it humbly beseeching the father of mercyes through the meritts of my blessed redeemer to receave it to mercy....my body .... to the ground to be decently buried at the discretion of my executrix". ... 13 ac. 1 rood arable lying dispersed in the flds. of Wyboston and Chawston, with appurts. to "my deare and lovinge wife" absolutely; To his friend Mr. Gascoyne 10s. "to buy him a ringe and doe desire him to preach my funerall sermon". 10s to the poor of Cople, to be paid "at or presently after" the funeral; All the rest of his goods and chattels to his w. Eliz. who is to be sole executrix; "and doe desire my lovinge brother in law and my true friend Mr. John Payne of Colsden Grange to be assistant to my wife in execution hereof as much as his own convenience will permit". Wtns. Nich. Brace, Jos. La(?u)ke.
  • Date free text
    3 June 1672
  • Production date
    From: 1672 To: 1672
  • Level of description