• Reference
  • Title
    Political papers of Tim Hill, Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Mid Beds.
  • Date free text
    1993 - 1998
  • Production date
    From: 1993 To: 1998
  • Admin/biog history
    Tim Hill was born on the 13th December 1961 at Minsterworth (Near Gloucester) He was educated at Pilgrim Upper School in Bedford and was selected party parliamentary campaigner for Mid Bedfordshire in November 1994 with 87% of the Lib Dem vote. Tim was a founder member of the SDP in 1981. After serving in several executive positions within the party he was elected to Bedford Borough Council in 1986 and was re-elected twice. In 1992 he was the only Lib Dem to hold his seat in the Lib Dem/Tory marginal. After 10 years on the Council he retired from it in May 1996 to devote more time to his Parliamentary Constituency. The 1997 general election was his first parliamentary contest and the Lib Dem's achieved 8,823 votes (16.8% share). In 2001 Tim ran for the Mansfield constituency.
  • Scope and Content
    Political papers of Tim Hill while Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Mid Bedfordshire 1993 - 1998. Provides insight into Lib Dem campaigning strategy and the local issues on which the 1997 Mid Beds election was fought. Contains policy records, correspondence and press releases and has been classified based on the following policy areas: Z1022/1 General policy, strategy & campaigning Z1022/2 Agriculture Z1022/3 Crime Z1022/4 Culture Z1022/5 Education Z1022/6 Economy Z1022/7 Environment Z1022/8 Health & Welfare Z1022/9 Religion Z1022/10 Transport
  • Reference
  • Level of description