Prescription for "Mr. Wright" by R.M., endorsed in another, but probably contemporary, hand "For a cold defluxion of rheum and for phlegm: By Dr. Mead, Jan. 19, 1739."
(Richard Mead, physician to George I and II, married as his 2nd wife Anne Alston, and frequently visited Harrold; see Rogers' diary for references to the Meads and to the Wright family of Carlton).
Also, Letter from the Librarian of the Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 21 September 1951 stating:
'I am happy to be able to report that the enclosed is quite definitely in the hand of Dr. Richard Mead. We have many letters and prescriptions in his hand, and there is no doubt at all about this identification."
Date free text
19 January 1739 - 40
Production date
From: 1739 To: 1740
Level of description