• Reference
  • Title
    Memoranda book of Thomas Bates, Biscot, dated and signed by him 12 April 1837; paper water-marked 1836. Contains (a) list of dates harvest begun, usually in August, 1812-1852, with occasional notes - 1839 'very wet one', 1842 'very dry the 3 first weeks, 1846 'very fine wheat harvest'. He may have had some land at Offley, Herts. as this place is written against the year 1817. The population of Offley in 1811 - 754 - is mentioned among the recipes.(b) various medical and veterinary recipes and cures, some repeated with variations; 'For a Calf that Scousers', recipes for green ointment, hoof ointment and ointment for green wounds, 'Shining Ointment', 'A Sharp Water'. Treatment for a bite or hurt on the eye, weak eyes, hard swelling or pain, inflamed eye, sore heel. How 'to make a cow clean'. Recipes for treatment of 'mallinders or sallinders', ointment for sore heels, a cow or calf that is lousy, for a sheep that scours, for a horse with cankers in mouth or tongue. Cures for: sheep with a sore head, scabby sheep, a horse with worms, a sheep that chews its cud, for a cow that 'cannot clean', the itch in a horse's tail, a hog of the 'garget', a horse galled in the shoulder. Recipe for eye water. Cures for: the mange, a cough 'in human bodys', for a cow that cannot clean, a horse that is sinew strained, for the itch in human being, a horse that is griped, for failing lambs and sheep. Recipes for cleaning harness, pickling hams, to pickle 'cheeks', to make 'stail beer mild, to clean brasses. Cures for black leg in cows (with a note that this was copied in 1840 from the Aylesbury News during the epidemic of that year), swollen lips and scabs in sheep (Farmer's Journal, 1840), for the gargol in pigs (from Uncle William 16 May 1840), scab and red water in sheep (Bell's Messenger), epidemic in cattle (Herts Mercury). Recipes for dyeing harness, for turnips, for preparation to be gven to a mare when the foal is taken away. Remedies for sore eyes in sheep and a horse off its appetite. (c) mathematical problems with answers
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1812 To: 1852
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: one
  • Level of description