• Reference
  • Title
    Marriage Settlement continued from X899/1a (ic) Baker's Grove 0a 3r 30p formerly belonging to Digswell Water Farm now in occupation of Earl Cowper; (id) messuage, yard, garden, stables, orchards etc. 3a 0r 3p; (ie) Rick Yard Slipe 3a 1r 0p; (if) Hither Pound Field 21a 2r 22p; (ig) Further Piund Field 34a 0r 5p; (ih) Runtley Hill Upper Shot 16a; (ii) Scrubs 5a 0r 13p; (ij) Sheepwalk 2a 0r 39p; (ik) Little Pickets Hill 15a 2r 3p; (il) Fish Pond Field 16a 2r 25p; (im) Post Field 14a 2r 34p; (in) Easter Field 19a 1r 26p; (io) Gutteridge Grove and Smallgains Field 19a 3r 16p; (ip) Great Lodge Field 21a 0r 35p; (iq) Nine Acres formerly a parcel of Great Lodge Field 10a 2r 5p; (ir) Little Lodge Field 7a 2r 5p; (is) Four Acres 5a 0r 3p; (it) Further Handside Field 6a 0r 20p; (iu) Handside Field 20a 0r 36p (formerly consisting of Walnut Tree Field 9a 1r 2p; Middle Handside Field 6a 2r 13p; Hither Handside Field 3a 3r 5p; part of Lodge Field 0a 2r 16p); (iv) Lodge Field 4a 2r 2p; (iw) Slipe adjoining Lodge Field 3a 0r 6p; (ix) Great Coney Dell 20a 2r 11p; (iy) Little Coney Dell (2a 2r 34p lately added from Penly Park) 9a 2r 11p; (iz) Penly Park 7a 2r 11p; (ja) Pear Tree Field 17a 3r 20p; (jb) Spring Field 10a 1r 9p; (jc) Carthouse Field 13a 3r 24p; (jd) Meadow 3a 0r 5p; (je) Pond Piece now united with (jd) 1a 2r 32p; (ja)-(je) formerly part of Blackfarm Farm; (id)-(je) called Digswell Lodge Farm of 334a 0r 32p in Digswell and Tewin in occupation of Thomas Titmuss at 224 per annum rent (jf) Digswell Mill with cottage, stable, garden etc. 1a 1r 0p; (jg) mead on north side of river 4a 0r 12p; (jh) mead on south side of river, formerly belonging to Digswell Water Farm 0a 3r 30p; (ji) Rice Grove Mead, formerly belonging to Digswell Water Farm, 1a 3r 13p; (jf)-(ji) containing 8a 0r 15p in occupation of Charles Dorrington at 100 per annum rent; (jj) farm, yard, barn, orchard etc.0a 1r 30p; (jk) Digswell Common 0a 0r 32p; (jl) Acre & A Half Field 1a 2r 3p; (jm) Two Acres 2a 0r 16p; (jn) Seven Roods 2a 3r 28p; (jo) Three Roods 3a 0r 24p; (jp) two pieces in Digswell Common 1a 0r 15p; (jj)-(jp) containing 11a 1r 28p and called Digswell Water in Digswell and Welwyn formerly in occupation of Aaron Mardle, now Charles Dorrington at 98 per annum rent along with (gi) (jq) cottage and garden of 5 perches in Welwyn formerly in occupation of Aaron Mardle, now Bennett Watts at 4/4/- per annum rent; (jr) messuage, formerly used as a public house called Cowpers Arms, then Fordwich Arms but now divided into a schoolhouse and cottage with yard, gardens etc. containing 0a 3r 33p in Digswell formerly in occupation of John Elstone, now Rev.Archdeacon Watson and Widow Edwards at 3/3/- per annum rent; (js) smith's shop in Digswell containing 10 perches formerly in occupation of Richard Knight, now of John Mansfield esquire at 10/10/- per annum rent; (jt) cottage and garden adjoining (js) containing 8 perches at Digswell Water in occupation of James Willis at 4 per annum rent; (ju) three cottages and gardens in Digswell Water containing 26 perches in occupation of Levi Bygrave at 3 per annum rent and Widow Flint and George Chipgrave as undertenants to William Pennyfather; (jv) cottage and garden of 0a 1r 32p in Digswell built on Home Mead part of Digswell Water Farm in occupation of Rev.Archdeacon Watson at 6/6/- per annum rent; (jw) close of 9a 0r 7p in Digswell and Welwyn formerly in occupation of James Waller, now of Rev.Archdeacon Watson at 20 per annum rent; formerly described and allotted as follows: Brick Yard 4a 0r 29p; Clay Pit Field 2a 2r 10p; The Meadow 0a 3r 3p; Little Field 1a 2r 5p; (jx) cottage with sheds etc. 0a 2r 17p; (jy) Great Conduit 6a 2r 39p; (jz) Sainfoin Field 3a 1r 33p; (jx)-(jz) formerly in occupation of James Waller; (ka) Five Acre Conduit formerly belonging to Digswell Lodge Farm 5a 0r 33p; (kb) Kiln Field 21a 2r 29p; (kc) Great Field 29a 0r 3p; (kb)-(kc) formerly belonging to Digswell Water Farm (jv)-(kc) containing 66a 2r 34p in Digswell and Welwyn in occupation of George Waller at 73/10/- per annum rent (kd) Scrogs Field 1a 1r 3p; (ke) Coney Dale and Walnut Tree Field (formerly consisting of four closes called Walnut Tree Field, Magpie Pightle, Coney Dale and Calves Pightle) 8a 0r 1p; (kf) Home Field 4a 1r 8p; (kg) Cooks Wood Field with Wood Field added 4a 3r 25p; (kh) White Hill (formerly consisting of three closes called Hill Foot, White Hill and Mount Pleasant) 11a 3r 36p; (ki) Burnham Green Field (formerly divided into two closes called Hither Burnham Green Field and Further Burnham Green Field) 4a 0r 5p; (kd)-(ki) called Piddles Farm containing 34a 1r 38p in Tewin, Digswell and Welwyn formerly in occupation of Mrs.Pennyfather now of executors of John Pennyfather deceased at 32 per annum rent; (kj) messuage, yard, barns, stables, orchard, cottage etc. of 0a 3r 3p in occupation of Thomas Lightfoot and Thomas Holton as undertenants of executors of John Pennyfather (rent included with (kd)-(ki); (kk) cottage, garden etc. formerly parcel of (kg) in occupation of William Mardell as undertenant of executors of John Pennyfather; (kl) Sherrards Wood alias Sherrards Park with cottage erected therein in occupation of Thomas Norris 173a 3r 22p; (km) New Wood 8a 0r 4p; (kn) Temple Wood 16a 1r 15p; (ko) Maams Wood 7a 1r 26p; (kp) Roundabout Wood 1a 3r 33p; (kq) Gutterhedge Grove 6a 0r 7p; (kr) Great Field Grove 3a 2r 13p; (ks) former Three Spinneys since divided into Mobbs Burrow Wood, Dansley Grove, Lower Ephgrave Grove and Upper Ephgrave Grove (the last three "now being stocked up") 8a 0r 34p; (kt) Manors of Hertingfordbury and Panshanger; (ku) fishing and fowling rights in River Mimram; (kv) lodges in Panshanger Park 20 perches; (kw) pasture 200a 0r 27p; (kx) Steward's House, yard, garden and paddocks at Colne Green formerly in occupation of William Smith, then Thomas Pallett, now John Haines 8a 0r 1p; (ky) gardens 6a 0r 3p; (kz) woods and shrubberies 66a 0r 18p; (la) roads 1a 2r 17p; (lb) cottage, garden and plantation formerly in occupation of Thomas Crawley now Samuel Chapman 0a 2r 16p; (lc) Cottage Mead 3a 0r 27p; (ld) Shoats Field 3a 3r 20p; (le) Shoats Mead 2a 3r 18p; (lf) Great Warbletons 26a 3r 11p; (lg) Little Warbletons 22a 2r 4p; (lh) Apps Field 24a 0r 34p (kv)-(lh) all in Hertingfordbury and comprising 366a 0r 16p; (li) pasture south of the river 31a 3r 10; (lj) wood plantation 15a 1r 5p; (lk) roads 0a 1r 13p; (ll) river 0a 3r 0p; (lm) pasture north of the river 9a 3r 20p; (ln) plantation north of the river 1a; (li)-(ln) comprising 59a 0r 8p in Tewin; (lo) Panshanger House, stables, yard and pasture 181a 1r 3p; house built by Earl Cowper on site of messuage formerly in occupation of Henry Seymour, esquire (lp) plantations 47a 1r 30p; (lq) roads 1a 0r 26p; (lr) river and islands 14a 3r 38p; (lo)-(lr) comprising 244a 3r 17p in Hertford, St.Andrew (ku)-(lr) comprise Panshanger Park with woods, plantations, grounds, river and islands of 670a 0r 1p in occupation of Earl Cowper, formerly known as Panshanger Farm in occupation of Henry Seymour by demise from George Nassau Clavering, [4th] Earl Cowper at 150 per annum rent; (ls) so much of old park formerly called Colne Green Park in occupation of Earl Cowper as was not laid to any of the farms; (lt) lands formerly part of Munns Farm and Hertingfordbury Farm with messuage, garden and paddocks in occupation of John Haines with "certain other lands of small extent"; (lu) cottage and garden of 38 perches formerly in occupation of Misses Grattan at rent of 20 per annum now in occupation of Miss Lloyd; (lv) ground of 5 perches formerly in occupation of Thomas Field, now Francis Cull at 4 per annum rent; (lw) cottage and ground of 8 perches in occupation of George Jordan, then Widow Jordan at 6 per annum rent; (lx) cottage and land of 8 perches formerly in occupation of Mrs.Blott, now John Rice at 4 per annum rent; (ly) two cottages each containing 8 perches formerly in occupation of Mrs.Bilton and James Harding now Elizabeth Chesher and James Harding at 4 per annum rent each; (lz) cottage and land of 5 perches formerly in occupation of James Wrenn, then James Hawkins at 7 per annum rent; (ma) cottage, bakehouse and land of 33 perches formerly in occupation of Abraham Peck. now John Davis at 12/12/- per annum rent; (mb) cottage formerly called White Horse and land of 20 perches formerly in occupation of Thomas Sowell, now divided into two cottages and stable in occupation of William Burcham, William Porter and John Bentley at total rents of 28 per annum; (mc) 0a 1r 15p with messuage and outhouses lately erected thereon formerly in occupation of George Squires, now John Mason at 21 per annum rent; (md) 0a 1r 7p formerly in occupation of John Parris, esquire now Mr.Bird at 1 per annum rent; (me) cottage and land of 5 perches in occupation of Mrs.Nutting at 5 per annum rent (mf) cottage and land of 5 perches formerly in occupation of William Guines now Thomas Newman at 5 per annum rent; (mg) cottage, smith's shop and garden of 0a 1r 20p formerly in occupation of Ann Ford now William Ford at 10/10/- per annum rent; (mh) cottage and land at Colne Green of 0a 1r 5p formerly in occupation of John Woodwards then Widow Woodwards at 8 per annum rent; (mi) cottage and land at Colne Green of 0a 1r 10p formerly in occupation of Joseph Taylor now John Ginn at 5 per annum rent; (mj) site of another cottage and land at Colne Green of 29 perches formerly in occupation of John Browne, now converted into a wood in occupation of Earl Cowper; (mk) cottage and land at Colne Green containing 0a 2r 10p formerly in occupation of Jasper Crawley, now Joseph Giddings at 4 per annum rent; (ml) two cottages, yards and garden of 0a 2r 3p formerly in occupation of John Maynard now Thomas Warehand and Daniel Chapman at 3 per annum rent each; (mm) four cottages lately erected on the sites of two other cottages formerly in occupation of Robert Hutton and William Guines, with gardens, totalling 0a 2r 23p in occupation of Edward Crawley, G.Royal, John Shepherd and Widow Guines at rents of 7/7/-, 7/7/-, 4 and 4 per annum respectively; (mn) cottage and land of 10 perches formerly in occupation of William Draper now Widow Draper at 3 per annum rent; (mo) cottage and land of 5 perches formerly in occupation of Mrs.Burton now Thomas Parish the younger at 4 per annum rent; (mn)-(mo) commonly known as The Merry Boys; (mo) cottage and land of 8 perches in occupation of Stephen Hatton at 2/10/- per annum rent; (mp) two cottages, land and orchard at Labby Green of 0a 3r 34p formerly in occupation of George Wiggins and James Harwood, now George Venables and William Taylor at 4/17/- and 4/14/- per annum rent respectively; (mq) cottage and garden with two meads called farthings containing 1a 3r 24p in occupation of James Smith at 7/7- per annum rent; (mr) cottage, garden and orchard of 0a 2r 7p in occupation of William Bilton at 2/10/- per annum rent; (ms) cottage and ground at Letty Green of 0a 1r 5p formerly in occupation of James Wright, now William Wright at 4/4/- per annum rent; (mt) cottage and ground at Letty Green on 1 rood in occupation of John Bardle ar 4/4/- per annum rent; (mu) cottage and ground adjoining Lambrooke of 31 perches formerly in occupation of Joseph Fuigay now John Fyler at 3 per annum rent; (mv) cottage and ground adjoining Lambrooke of 31 perches in occupation of Thomas Parish at 3 per annum rent; (lu)-(mv) all in Hertingfordbury (mw) close, formerly parcel of Truck Field, belonging to Hertingfordbury Farm containing 1a 2r 29p in Hertingfordbury in occupation of Overseers of the Poor of Hertingfordbury; (mx) cottage and garden of 0a 1r 28p in Hertingfordbury formerly erected of part of close called Little Park, formerly parcel Hertingfordbury Farm, cottage in occupation of Nightingall Peters; (my) two cottages and gardens at Stains Green, Hertingfordbury containing 0a 1r 4p each lately erected on land lately parcel of Hertingfordbury Farm in occupation of Widow Fletcher and Edward Catlin at rents of 2 and 4 respectively; (mz) nursery enclosed from waste of Hertingfordbury Manor at Birch Green containing 34 perches in occupation of Earl Cowper; (na) two cottages and gardens at Colne Green erected on Hertingfordbury Manor waste containing together 0a 1r 5p in occupations of Widow Hummerston and James Lovel at 7/7/- and 6/6/- per annum rent, respectively; (nb) messuage with barns, stables, outhouses, yard, garden etc. 1a 3r 4p; (nc) Moles Commons 11a 3r 11p; (nd) Home Close 6a 0r 16p; (ne) The Lays 13a 1r 2p; (nf) Sauls Field 9a 2r 34p; (ng) Slabridge and Sandy Mead to which Wells Mead and 0a 1r 3p from Long Croft in Birchall Farm had been added, 10a 1r 7p; (nh) Great Wells (formerly two closes called Great Wells and Little Wells) 16a 1r 33p; (ni) Springfield and Sandy Pightle 13a 2r 17p; (nj) The Moors 12a 1r 39p; (nk) Twelve Acres, formerly called Sandy Twelve Acres, 12a 3r 26p; (nl) Munns Grove Field 11a 3r 17p; (nm) Seven Acres 8a 0r 19p; (nn) Wear Close 9a 1r 4p; (no) Letty Green Field 19a 3r 24p; (np) Warmans 13a 2r 27p; (nq) Grass Warmans alias Warmans Mead 1a 1r 39p; (nr) Brookfield (now in two parts) 52a 3r 37p; (ns) Kitts Stockings 7a 2r 3p; (nt) closes 16a 2r 6p; (nu) The Down 11a 2r 7p; (nv) Breadfield and Grove (now in two parts) 37a 3r 37p; (nw) Burchhold Old Park 39a 0r 3p; (nb)-(nw) all (except 16 acres of (nw) formerly in occupation of Earl Cowper) formerly in occupation of Humphrey Field; (nx) Sydney Field 5a 3r 3p; (ny) Round Field 3a 0r 17p; (nz) Letty Green Warmans 5a 0r 10p; (oa) Kingwood Field and Dell Croft (now in one) 10a 2r 37p; (ob) Kettle Close 9a 0r 16p; (oc) Gould Field 5a 2r 20p; (od) Home Close 6a 1r 25p; formerly consisting of homestead of at Letty Green; except that part now converted into three cottages (pe); (oe) Hay Barn Close and Home Close and Lambrooke 6a 3r 37p; (nx)-(oe) part of Letty Green Farm formerly in occupation of John Mackinzay (nb)-(oe) comprising Munns or Cole Green Farm of 391a 0r 16p in Hertingfordbury in occupation of Abraham Enever the elder at 268 per annum rent (of) land lately part of Munns Farm called Shoats Mead of 2a 2r 5p in occupation of Earl Cowper; (og) messuage, barns, stables, outhouses, yard, garden etc. belonging to (of) 7a 2r 35p; (oh) Burchall Mead and Pightle (with piece added from Slabridge and Sandy Pightle in Munns Farm) 9a 0r 8p; (oi) Long Croft 4a 2r 4p; (oj) Park Field 15a 3r 12p; (ok) Blackfield 14a 0r 36p; (ol) Little Field 10a 3r 14p; (om) Woodfield 15a 1r 15p; (on) pightle 2a; (oo) Broom Haynes, formerly consisting of two closes called Broom Haynes and Burchall Field, 25a 1r 25p; (op) The Vineyard 19a 1r 2p; (oq) Dry Croft and Moneyholes now in one and enlarged by addition of land from (op) and 0a 3r 36p from Tubbs Close in Warren Gate Farm 22a 2r 1p; (or) Pond Field 17a 3r 30p; (os) Bush Field 11a; (ot) Burchall Honor 22a 0r 22p; (og)-(ot) consisting of 197a 3r 4p in Hertingfordbury and Tewin with Peedes Field in Hatfield, now called Burchall Farm in occupation of John Pennyfather at 150 per annum rent (ou) Pleasure Wood alias Henry Wood 21a 3r 15p; (ov) Burchalls Wood 11a 2r 28p adjoining (ou) and lying north of Burchall Farm; (ow) Roles Wood 15a 3r 33p lying west of Burchall Farm; (ox) Blackthorn Grove 12a 2r 10p adjoining (ow); (oy) Captains Wood 9a 0r 5p near Burchalls Farm; (oz) Munns Grove 6a 3r 0p; (pa) Bausley Wood 7a 1r 12p; (pb) Blakemore Wood 12a 1r 27p lying right of high road from Panshanger to Hertford; (pc) The Great Wood 8a 2r 15p near Hertingfordbury; (pd) Knightsbridge Wood near Warren Gate Farm 2a 0r 14p; (ou)-(pd) in Tewin, Hertingfordbury and Hertford, St.Andrew in occupation of Earl Cowper; (pe) three cottages and gardens at Letty Green formerly constituting farmhouse of Letty Green Farm formerly in occupation of William Phipps the younger, then John Mackinzay now divided into three and measuring together 0a 1r 34p in Hertingfordbury in occupation of William Peagram and others; (pf) messuage, barns. stables, outhouses, yard, garden, orchard, driftways etc. of 2a 0r 6p; (pg) Long Harmours 15a 2r 39p; (ph) Stoney Field 21a 0r 6p; (pi) Further Stoney Field 15a 3r 13p; (pj) Long Meadow 2a 2r 12p; (pk) meadow 1a 2r 36p; (pl) Austin Hill 12a 1r 20p; (pm) Coltmore 13a 3r 31p; (pn) Dean Croft 10a 3r 7p except that lately purchased by Charles Cowper; (po) Common Harmours 14a 1r 5p; (pp) pightle 3a 3r 15p; (pq) New Pightle 4a 2r 35p; (pr) Home Harmours 11a 3r 30p; (ps) Branfield 5a 1r 5p; (pt) Further Barnfield 2a 3r 21p; (pu) The Heath 6a 3r 22p; (pv) Poor Allotment 4a 3r 37p; (pw) House Field 7a 2r 24p; (px) Gooseacre Warren 16a 2r 8p; (py) Merry Boys Warren (in two closes) 33a 2r 39p; (pz) Oakley Warren and Furze Hill 22a 2r 12p; (qa) Touchfield 12a 1r 26p; (qb) Bell Mead 3a 1r 36p; (pf)-(qb) comprising Hertingfordbury Farm alias Place Farm of 247a 2r 5p formerly (with exception of (pn) formerly in occupation of Stephen Samuel and partly purchased of Charles Cowper) in occupation of George Doo, then Thomas Pallett, now William Campkin at 197/10/- per annum rent; (qc) plantation or wood lately planted adjoining Panshanger Park of 24a 1r 7p, formerly part of Hertingfordbury Farm, now in occupation of Lord Cowper; (qd) Hertingfordbury House also known as Epcombs with yard, offices, gardens, lawn and grounds (except a piece of meadow called The Grove sometime since purchased of Charles Cowper containing 3a 0r 27p); the house and 14a 2r 17p of the lands and grounds formerly in occupation of Charlotte Chapman (except The Grove) the rest were formerly part of Saint Andrew Farm alias Hughes Farm); totalling, with the Grove, 25a 3r 7p in Hertingfordbury and Hertford, St.Andrew in occupation of Mrs.Mary Parry at 150 per annum rent; (qe) Hertingfordbury Mill with outhouses etc.0a 2r 30p; (qf) part of Mill Mead and Homestead 1a 2r 25p; (qg) Great Daniels 20a 3r 0p; (qh) Great Shaws 29a 2r 28p; (qi) Little Shaws 17a 2r 15p; (qj) Hogsfield 20a 2r 9p; (qk) Knowles Mead and Tail Piece (in two parts) 46a 0r 38p; (ql) Endfield 16a 3r 35p; (qe)-(ql) containing 154a 0r 20p in Hertingfordbury anf Hertford, St.Andrew in occupation of Thomas Newman at 210 per annum rent; formerly (except 2a 1r 5p formerly in occupation of Thomas Mullett) part of Saint Andrew's alias Hughes Farm; (qm) Readings alias Great Readings 8a 3r 18p; (qn) Cloddings (formerly divided into two closes called Cloddings and Little Readings) 9a 3r 15p; (qo) Bawley Tattle Croft 10a 2r 25p; (qm)-(qo) comprising 29a 1r 18p formerly parcel of Letty Green Farm; (qp) Brookfield 9a 2r 3p; (qr) Lower Tyrrels 7a 3r 10p; (qs) Upper Tyrrels 8a 3r 8p; (qt) Bassets Close 9a 0r 25p; (qu) Homefield 14a 1r 29p; (qv) Swellings 6a 2r 17p; (qw) Maynards Field with addition of Maynards Mead, 4a 0r 28p; (qx) Foxdells Field, formerly consisting of site of farmhouse and orchard ar Burch Green and two closes called Chalk DEll Field and Foxdells, 7a 3r 35p; (qp)-(qx) comprised 68a 1r 35p formerly parceh of Burch Green Farm in occupation of George Grant; (qm)-(qx) comprising 97a 3r 13p in Hertingfordbury now form parcel of East End Green Farm in occupation of Abraham Enever the younger at 150 per annum rent; (qy) messuage with sheds, yard, garden and play ground 0a 1r 20p; (qz) Lees Field 1a 3r 3p; (ra) Schoolhouse and meadow 1a 0r 34p; (rb) Flindells Field 1a 0r 28p; (rc) Footpath Field 2a 1r 21p; (qy)-(rc) comprising 6a 3r 6p in Hertingfordbury were formerly part of Burch Green Farm but were now in occupation of William Taylor at 8 per annum rent; (rd) cottage and orchard on East End Green alias Easing Green, Hertingfordbury of 1a 2r 37p formerly parcel of Burch Green Farm in occupation of Richard Grant; (re) garden lately enclosed from Hertingfordbury Manor waste of 39 perches in occupation of William Willis; (rf) annual fee farm rent or quit rent of 8d issuing out of lands in Hertingfordbury of Elizabeth Hickman, widow of Joseph Hickman; (rg) yearly rent of 1/- issuing out of land in Hertingfordbury lately of John Paris now Boyd; (rh) Manor of Sele alias Seale; (ri) fishing rights in River Mimram and River Bene; (rj) homestead of 2 roods; (rk) meadow 7a; (rl) Great Chensford (now in two closes and enlarged by addition of part of Long Croft and two closes containing together 5a 0r 36p formerly in occupation of Gillman) 34a 1r 3p; (rm) Stoney Hill Field 13a 0r 33p; (rn) Selcoak 9a 2r 20p; (ro) Gravel Pit Field 8a 2r 33p; (rp) Further Hughes Field formerly in occupation of David Cork 2a 0r 16p; (rq) close formerly in occupation of John Evans 3a 2r 24p; (rr) Barley Croft 24a 3r 14p; (rs) Scotch Croft 24a 3r 8p; (rt) Little Upper Daniels 3a 3r 13p; (ru) Little Blakemore 9a 1r 15p; (rv) Great Blakemore 26a 2r 24p; (rw) Long Eight Acres 8a 0r 30p; (rx) New Pasture 11a 0r 21p; (rr)-(rx) formerly of Hughes Farm; (rj)-(rx) together with Dinsdales Meadow of 13a 1r 8p now called Sele Farm containing, with Dinsdales, 201a 0r 21p in Hertford, St.Andrew in occupation of William Divers; (ry) messuage with garden and orchard of 1a 1r 10p formerly in occupation of Rev.Thomas Lloyd now Dowager Baroness Dinsdale at 50 per annum rent; (rz) close 4a 3r 23p between River Beine and turnpike road from Hertford to Watton formerly in occupation of Captain Thomas Spence, now of Thomas Spence or Bridgeman, his undertenant at 10 per annum rent; (sa) close 2a 3r 10p adjoining W on (rz) formerly in occupation of Thomas Hancock, now James Hancock at rent of 7 per annum; (sb) close of 2a 3r 20p adjoining W on (sa) formerly in occupation of Dr.Henry Bradley; (sc) close 2a 3r 21p adjoining W on ground in occupation of Thomas Pemberton, formerly in occupation of Moseley Gillman; (sd) close 2a 2r 38p adjoining W on (sc) formerly in occupation of Samuel Andrews; (se) close called Sele Wood Field 38a 3r 1p, parcel of wood formerly called Sele Wood, now "stubbed up"; (sb)-(se) comprising 42a 1r 0p in occupation of Thomas Neatby Haggar; (sf) close 2a 2r 32p formerly in occupation of Thomas Simson, now John Pemberton at 5 per annum rent; adjoining W on land in occupation of George Newman of 2a 2r 16p; (sg) close 2a 1r 1p adjoining W on close in occupation of Thomas Neatby Hagger (sd); in occupation of James King at 5 per annum rent (formerly consisting of land in occupation of Squires and piece of ozier ground of 1 rood formerly in occupation of Wiles); (sh) lately erected messuage with garden etc. on Brick Ground and lands occupied therewith containing 10a 1r 18p in occupation of John Truiery[?] at 5 per annum rent (comprising close of 2a 2r 2p in occupation of Charles Tysoe[?] and then Holbeck with residue of Sele Wood (now stubbed up)); (si) close 4a 2r 2p (adjoining E part of close formerly in occupation of John Evans now William Divers) formerly in occupation of Noah Young, now John Brandon at 9 per annum rent; (sj) close, now a nursery, 3a 2r 22p E of (si) and W of Hertford to Panshanger road formerly in occupation of John Ramsey; (sk) close, now a nursery, 3a 3r 16p formerly in occupation of Murray; (sl) close, now a nursery, 1a 1r 17p in occupation of Murray; (sj)-(sl) comprising 8a 3r 15p now (with nursery ground late part of Jointure Estate of Hannah, Countess Dowager Cowper, deceased) in occupation of Edward Francis at 30/3/- per annum; (sm) close, formerly part of Great Sealfield, now converted to gardens 9a 2r 1p formerly in occupation of Edward Ellis, now Overseers of St.Andrew, Hertford at 25 per annum rent; (sn) Hughes Field alias Great Burrells Field 11a 3r 0p formerly in occupation of Edward Ellis; (so) Gravel Pit Piece 6a 3r 36p, formerly parcel of Hughes Farm in occupation of Elizabeth Hickman; (sn)-(so) comprised 18a 2r 36p in occupation of John Ayres at 15 per annum; (sp) Hughes Field 17a 0r 24p in occupation of James Fisher at 20 per annum rent; forming residue of Long Croft formerly in occupation of Edward Ellis together with Hughes Field formerly part of Hughes Farm; (sq) land lying N of turnpike road from Hertford to Watton between lands in occupation of Thomas Neatby Hagger and John Pemberton containing 2a 2r 16p; (sr) small island N of (sq) of 3a 1r 0p; (sq)-(sr) formerly in occupation of Matthew Campbell; (ss) close, formerly part of Hughes Farm, since in occupation of Carter of 2a 3r 5p; (sq)-(ss) comprised 8a 2r 21p in occupation of George Newman at 20 per annum rent; (st) arable of 4a 0r 29p formerly called Tainterley Field lying N of road from Hertford to Hertingfordbury and now, along with three other closes, in occupation of James Woodhouse at 66/12/- per annum rent; (su) close, formerly in two pieces, called Seal Broom and Wilkins Dale now called Seal Broomfields of 20a 1r 2p lying near Barons Farm on N side of Hertford to Tewin road and E on SEle Broom Wood, formerly in occupation of Bryan Preston, now Earl Cowper; (sv) Cross Path Field 10a 3r 6p lying E of (su)and N of Hertford to Tewin road and Blakemore wideway formerly in occupation of Bryan Preston now of Joseph Jordan at 7 per annum rent; (sw) Sele Broom Wood in Hertford, St.Andrew 11a 0r 20p in occupation of Earl Cowper; (sx) Nine Acres 8a 2r 17p in Hertford, St.Andrew formerly part of Hughes Farm now in occupation of Thomas Godfrey at 6 per annum rent; (sy) lodge and garden 20 perches in Hertford, St.Andrew, formerly part of Hughes Farm, now in occupation of Hopwood; (sz) messuage and ground 1a 3r 6p in Hertford, St.Andrew formerly in occupation of Best, now of Trustees of Hertford Infirmary at 15 per annum rent; (ta) Blakemore Plain alias Ash Croft 24a 1r 26p, formerly parcel of Hughes Farm, afterwards Hertingfordbury Farm, now in occupation of Earl Cowper; (tb) The Plantation 5a 1r 17p; (tc) Chensford Wood 3a 3r 26p; (tb)-(tc) in Hertford, St.Andrew, formerly part of Hughes Farm now in occupation of Earl Cowper; (td) two messuages standing together in Market Place, Hertford, All Saints, formerly in possession of Widow Mann, executrix of Joice Mann, now in occupation of George Simson and Thelwall Roberts at 60 and 40 per annum rent respectively; (te) messuage in Hertford, St.Andrew abutting on High Street to N, Angel Inn W and Falcon Inn E anad abutting on Churchyard of All Saints S; formerly in occupation of Jacob Law, then Jonathan Harman Thatcher, now George Newman at 42 per annum rent; (tf) Angel, Hertford, All Saints abutting on Churchyard formerly in occupation of William Byrn[?], then Matthew Campbell, now James Gilbertson at 100 per annum rent; (tg) messuage fronting the forestreet, Hertford abutting churchyard and adjoining to front gateway of (tf) and formerly part thereof, afterwards converted into a separate dwelling in occupation of Jonathan Harman Thatcher, now once more forming part of (tf); (a) to (th) noted as occupying the following list of places "Tewin, Tewin WAter, Tewinbury, Brantfield, Datchworth, Hertingfordbury otherwise Harlingfordbury, Welwyn, Digswell otherwise Digoueswell, Panshanger, Colne Green, St.Andrew Hertford, Hatfield, Bishop's Hatfield, Sele otherwise Seale Ayot, Ayot St.Peters, All Saints Hertford, the town of Hertford and St.John Hertford" (ti) Manor of Potter Newton [Yorkshire]; (tj) homestead, gardens, coachhouse, barns, stables, outhouses etc. belonging 35 perches; (tk) garden 0a 2r 36p; (tl) croft 0a 3r 33p; (tm) Long Close 4a 1r 6p; (tn) Low Garth 7a 1r 17p; (to) Little Close 3a 0r 29p; (tp) Low Close 5a 2r 32p; (tq) Sugar Lane 0a 2r 32p; (tj)-(tq) in Potter Newtoncontaining 23a 0r 20p in occupation of Joseph Meadley esquire at 214 per annum rent; (tr) Newton Hall with coachhouse, barn, stable, outhouses, garden etc.; (ts) homestead and garden 0a 3r 10p; (tt) Low Hall Fold 1a 2r 24p; (tu) Low Hall Fold 0a 2r 35p; (tv) Robinsons Garth 2a 0r 33p; (tw) Potter Royd 7a 3r 33p; (tx) Near Clappas 11a 0r 27p; (tr)-(tx) in Potter Newton comprising 24a 1r 32p lately in occupation of Joseph Oates esquire, now George Wailes esquire at 210 per annum rent; (ty) messuage with coachhouse, stables, outhouses, gardens etc.; (tz) Homestead 0a 2r 21p; (ua) Croft 1a 2r 7p; (ub) Rhodes Close 5a 1r 30p; (tz)-(ub) containing 7a 2r 19p in Potter Newton formerly in occupation of Mrs.Mary Woolrich, then Nicholas Smith esquire, late James Rennion esquire now Martin Hind esquire; (uc) The Oxfield 3a 3r 28p; (ud) Blackburn Close 8a 0r 14p formerly in occupation of Joseph Oates; (ue) Broad Close 8a 0r 17p; (uf) The Barnet Close 4a 3r 22p formerly in occupation of Mary Wolrich [sic]; (uc)-(uf) containing 25a 0r 1p in Potter Newton formerly in occupation of John Dixon, farmer, now Martin Hind; (ty)-(uf) together with allotment of 0a 3r 14p in occupation of Martin Hind at 230 per annum rent; (ug) Water Corn Mill consisting of two pairs of stones commonly called Holmes Mill with During [Drying?] Kiln, Corn Chamber, going gear, machines, wheels, implements, utensils and tools, goits, dams, rorees[?], walls, waters and watercourses; (uh) messuage with stable, outbuildings and garden near (ug) of 1a 0r 31p; (ui) Mill Jugs 3a 0r 3p; (ij) Chamber Jugs 7a 3r 35p; (uk) Chamber Jugs 6a 3r 8p; (ul) Ellers 6a 6r[sic?] 3p; (um) Low Damsted 1a 2r 2p; (un) Little Mill Field 5a 2r 28p; (uo) Mill Lane 2a 0r 7p; (ug)-(uo) in Potter Newton containing 34a 3r 37p formerly in occupation of John Blankhorn and John Hick, now David Hainsworth; (up) messuage called Bushy Field House with outbuildings, garden and fold of 0a 1r 11p; (uq) House End Close and House Close 1a 3r 37p; (ur) Stark Garth 0a 3r 24p; (us) part of Harehills Close 2a 3r 17p; (up)-(us) lately in occupation of William Braithwaite now David Hainsworth; (ut) Quarry Close in Potter Newton of 8a 0r 2p formerly in occupation of Joseph Oates, late William Morthouse, now David Hainsworth; (uv) Holmes Mill Close in Potter Newton of 5a 3r 32p formerly in occupation of Joseph Oates late Messrs William Nichols and Thomas Hall now David Hainsworth; (ug)-(uv) in occupation of David Hainsworth at 286 per annum rent; (uw) messuage with barn, stables, outhouses, fold, yard and garden of 0a 2r 7p; (ux) The Croft 1a 2r 26p; (uy) Broomhill 18a 3r 33p; (uz) Pith Hill 0a 2r 30p; (va) Stark Close 6a 2r 18p; (vb) Sixteen Acres 15a 2r 24p; (uw)-(vb) in Potter Newton containing 44a 0r 18p formerly in occupation of Richard Nelson, late Joseph Bowling, now Thomas Turnbull at 195 per annum; (vc) newly erected messuage, stable, outbuildings and garden; (vd) Broomhills 16a 1r 8p; (ve) Lowfield 14a 2r 0p; (vc)-(ve) consisting of 30a 3r 8p in Potter Newton late in occupation of Joseph Bowling, now William Wood at 60 per annum rent; (vf) messuage, barns, stables, outhouses, fold, yard and garden of 0a 3r 5p; (vg) South Broomhill 5a 3r 38p; (vh) North Broomhill 6a 0r 12p; (vi) Longflat 7a 2r 28p; (vj) Square Flat 9a 1r 14p; (vk) North Flat 9a 2r 14p; (vl) The Swallow 5a 2r 37p; (vm) The Swallow 3a 2r 9p; (vn) The Swallow 9a 0r 38p; (vf)-(vn) in Potter Newton comprising 57a 3r 35p formerly in occupation of Joseph Hindle, then Widow Hindle now John Blackburn at 190 per annum rent Continued at X899/1c
  • Date free text
    15 Dec 1834
  • Production date
    From: 1834 To: 1834
  • Level of description