• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of title showing descend of property purchased by Joel Miles 1800 Abstract of title of Mr. Wm Neale and wife to estate at Keysoe 21 Dec 1713 Feoffment by Thomas Crowe to James Watford of Keysoe ... those 'foreland' two acres arable in Grange Field Keysoe 20 Apr 1716 Feoffment by John Henson the elder and w. Elizabeth to James Watford of Keysoe blacksmith ... 7 acres arable land, leys and meadowing in Keysoe, as in terrier annexed to deed. 27 Sep 1723 Feoffment by Eliz Newall and Henry Newall her son to James Watford ... 3 acres by est. arable land and meadow in Keysoe 18/19 Oct 1725 Conveyance (L & R) by John Richards, John Pennyfather and Wm West to James Watford ... messuage, cottage or tenement with appurts in Keysoe ... pightle of pasture cont. by est. one acre ... a rood of meadow in Brook End meadow in Keysoe ... 6 acres arable in Keysoe Which premises formerly estate of Thomas Richards, grandfather of John Richards, and by him conveyed to John West, brother in law of William West afterwards deceased, and came to John Pennyfather (sister's son of the whole blood) and Elizabeth Simons deceased (sister of the whole blood) to the said John West, and Elizabeth Symons devised her moiety to William West and heirs. 4/5 August 1726 Conveyance (L to R) by Mary Levite spinster (only dau. and executrix and devisee in fee named in last will of Rich Levite decd.) to Thos. Colson and Rich. Smith in consid. 105 paid to Sarah Smith to discharge mortage ... 11 acres land, ley, meadow, pasture or grass ... barn and 'wheatcase' thereto belonging in Keysoe 28/29 Mar 1727 Conveyance (L to R) by Thomas Colson and w. Sarah and Rich Smith and w. Ann to James Watford ... mess cottage or tent. or barn and 'wheat case' ... 11 acres land in Keysoe 27 Jan 1727/8 [put before previous doc] Mortgage by James Watford to Samuel Charlton for 140 (demise 1000 years) ... mess cottage or tent. or barn and 'Wheat case' ... 11 acres land in Keysoe in occ. James Watford Lately pur. by Thos Colson and Rich. Smith from Mary Levitt ... mess cottage or tent. in Keysoe ... pightle of pasture cont. by est. one acre ... rood of meadow in Brook End Meadow in Keysoe ... 6 acres arable in Keysoe Mich 1 Geo II Fine 31 July 1732 1) John Franklin gent, administrator of good of Sarah Foster, wid. decd. 2) James Watford 3) Rich Finch reciting mtge 14 Nov 1730 by James Watford to Sarah Foster for 100 (dem. 500 yrs) ... mess. with pightle cont. 3 roods land ... 5 acres and a half of land ... close in Keysoe cont. one acre ... tow acres in Keysoe 10 Oct 1734 1) Rich Finch 2) James Watford and w. Mary James Watford junior (son and heir apparent of James Watford sen) 3) John Davies, clerk Assignment of premises by (1) to (3) discharged of equity of redemption and Conveyance by (2) to (3) for 500 years by way of mtge to secure 100 ... other three acres arable and acre meadow late Newalls ... all other lands in Keysoe 22 April 1736 reciting mtge 27 Jan 1727/8, assignment by Samuel Charlton at direction James Watford to Martha Leith, widow 29 May 1739 reciting death of Martha Leith, and that Martha Sawyer and Matha Pimlott widow are joint executrixes, assignment to Charles Fletcher, clerk, of all mortgaged premises 30 May 1737 reciting mortgage 28 Oct 1735 by James Watford to Samuel Dunham of ... 7 acres land lately purchased of John Henson ... four lands of arable in Keysoe cont. by est. two acres lately pur of Thos Crow which mortgage interest was transferred to Ann Hawkins, Assignment of mtge interest by Ann Hawkins to Charles Fletcher 23 Jul 1741 Assignment by Charles Fletcher to John Savill of several mortgage interests money now due 260 18 Feb 1742 1) James Watford, senior; 2) James Watford junior; 3) Samuel Richards. Reciting that James Watford the elder indebted to James Watford junior in sum of 130 and interest, Feoffment by (1) to (2) ... messuage or cottage in Keysoe in occ. James Watford the elder ... homestall or close of pasture adj. ... other messuage or cottage in Keysoe in occ David Creed with homestall or close of pasture adj ... close of pasture called Broadmeads in Keysoe ... little pightle of enclosed pasture in Keysoe ... pightle of Lammas ground in Keyose ... rood of Lammas ground Keysoe ... 40 acres arable in Keysoe 11,12 Feb 1744 Conveyance (L to R) by James Watford the elder and James Watford the younger to Henry Fleming and Francis Mason in trust for John Savill for ever ... mess, cottage or tent. or barn and Wheatcase ... 11 acres arable formerly pur of Mary Levitt ... mess or cottage in Keysoe then in occ James Watford junior ... pightle of pasture 1 acre ... rood of meadow in Brook End Meadow ... 6 acres arable, all formerly pur of John Richards, Jn Pennyfather and Wm West ... 7 acres land pur. of John Henson and w. Eliz ... four lands of arable (2 acres) pur. of Thos Crow ... edifice or building adjoining the last mentioned messuage then used as a kitchen and washhouse ... mess or cottage in occ David Creed with pightle 3r ... 5a. arable, all once estate of Thos Crow decd. and devised by him to James Watford the elder and his heirs ... close one acre ... two acres land ... three acres arable and half an acre of meadow late Newalls ... three acres arable given or devised by Thos Crow to James Watford jun. in Keysoe 13 Feb 1744 Assignment by Jn Davies with approbation of James Watford sen and jun to John Savill of all mortgaged premises, in trust to attend the inheritance 25 Mar 1751 Assignment by John Savill at request of the Revd Robert La Roque to the Revd Thomas Walker of all mortgaged premises in trust for the Revd Robert La Roque 26/27 Mar 1751 Conveyance by John Savill, Henry Fleming and Francis Mason, to Robert La Roque in consideration of 345 of all premises mentioned in L and R 11,12 Feb 1744 17 Mar 1781 Mortgage by the Rev. Robert La Roque to William Sandon of Willington, yeoman, for consid. 200 ... mess or cottage at Brook End Keysoe then in occ Samuel Darling ... 11 acres in fields of Keysoe once Mary Levitt ... pightle of pasture cont one acre ... 1r meadow in Brook End Meadow ... 6 acres open field land once John Richards, John Pennyfather and Wm West ... seven acres once Jn Henson and w. Eliz ... four lands of arable in Grange field cont. by est. two acres once Thos Crow ... pightle cont. 3 r. abutting S on Church Field ... 5 acres arable in Keysoe ...... 3 acres abtg on Long Lane W and on lands late Sir Jeremy Sambrook S ...... 1 acre abtg on land late of Thos Barber N and land late Thos Hartop W ...... 1 acres abtg S on Common Rd and W on Henry Haynes all formerly estate of Thos Crow decd. ... close cont. 1 acre abtg on common lanes N and S ... 2a land in Keysoe abtg on lands late Sambrook N and E and common rd W & S ... 3a arable and 1 acre meadow late Newalls ... 3a arable formerly Thos Crow All once James Watford senior and junior and in occ Saml Darling and pur from Jn Savill 7 Feb 1800 Reciting will of Robert La Roque dated 22 Aug 1783 devising all real estate to brother Peter La Roque in trust to sell and pay funeral expenses, and then invest and pay interest half yearly to wife Anna Maria La Roque for life, then one half to son Peter La Roque and other to his dau. Catherine Neale and her heirs; and reciting death of testator and then death of wife who were both survived by son Peter, who afterwards died intestate leaving sister Catherine his heiress at law Conveyance by William Neale of Bletsoe, yeoman, and w. Catherine, to William Wootton, sen Harrold, gent and Wm Wotton jun Harrold gent, on trust to levy a fine and to hold to uses, on trust to sell, and from result of sale to discharge mortgage debt of 200 Hilary 40 Geo III Fine [1800/01] 23 Jun 1788 reciting death intestate of Wm Sandon leaving widow Sarah Sandon and seven children, and that Sarah Sandon had taken out letters of administration, and after payment of debts there remained 3000, and reciting that marriage solemnised bet. Robt Squire and Sarah Sandon, and that the 1959 3s 9d, the shares of the children, were vested in Edward Emery and Richard Lovesey on trusts Assignment by Sarah Sandon to Emery and Lovesey of mortgage securities and bonds as part of children's portions. Amongst mortgages the mortgage of 17 March 1781 from Robt La Hoque to Wm Sandon. April 1796 Richard Lovesey appointed Betty Watkins of Bedford spinster, sole executrix of his will. 11 Aug 1800 Conveyance (Feoffment) by Wm Wootton senior and junior to Joel Miles of Keysoe, yeoman and John Love of Keysoe, miller ... toft or piece of ground whereon a messuage or tenement then some time since stood being in a place called Brook End with orchard adj. cont. 1 acres ... acre Lammas Meadow a rood of meadow and 5 acres and a rood of land in Keysoe
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1713 To: 1800
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