Feoffment by John Mylward of Great Gravenhurst son and heir
of Henry Mylward, deceased (made at the special request
of William Caryngton brother of Thomas Caryngton son and
heir of William Caryngton, late of Eyen) to the firstnamed
William Caryngton, Richard Eton John Hill and others, of
all the lands etc. in Eyen, Great Gravenhurst, Little Graven-
hurst Schitlyngton, Clophill and Sylso, co. Bedf., all
which lands William Carynton, late of Eyen, by his charter
dated 1 Apl. 9 Hen.VII (1494) [see LJeayes128] granted to John Pate, of
Pekysden, Thomas Eton, Richard Mylward and Henry Mylward
father of the above John Mylward the present feoffor.
Dated at Eyen, 7 Sept. 24 Hen. VIII (1532)
Date free text
7 Sep 1532
Production date
From: 1494 To: 1532
Level of description