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    Edward Harris Strange to Mary Ellen Strange in Sussex 6 Feb 1853 Ampthill 2 mo 6. 1853 My dear Mary Ellen Thy note, tho' not in reply to a long letter from me, was acceptable and interesting & a repetition of which will always meet with due appreciation. E.W. [Elizabeth Wells, governess after E.Y.] as usual has no doubt given thee "full, true & particular account" of all local matters not omitting my "Cochin China" and other numerous grand pets of the feathered tribes, which now number in considerable variety - & when I get a specimen of the Peckham "Gold Laced" or Sibaught Bantams I shall have about 10 distinct varieties - Speaking of Peckham reminds me of other things not so agreeable as the fowl subject, which is that dear Bessie is not so well again & Laura Gripper has been a great sufferer & her Child is in a very critical state so that it is very doubtful whether they will be able to raise him - Thy Aunt J. [Jane May] is at Alton & quite poorly too, I hope D. [Deborah Hooper?] has a better report in the course of a few days. Thy Uncle Edward [Dr E.C.M.] has been poorly, but is now better again. I have got my new apprentice come on trial. - he has been only a few days, but he seems a promising youth & I hope he will do better than some of his predecessors who have recently left - his name is Charles Lidbetter - My Chandler Fasey I have been obliged to discharge as I found him out robbing me - It was a great comfort to find thou hadst settled in pretty comfortably & that the regulations of the institution were as agreeable as thou couldst reasonably expect - I should like to pay thee a visit if I could spare the time as I want to know something of the character of Sussex and the Sussex people from my own observations, never having, during the last 50 years, put my foot on a single inch of Sussex ground, to my knowledge at least - I have not heard from Gt Geo.St. [Charles M., Great George Street] for nearly two weeks. The last account of thy Aunt was a very poor one & I fear she is in a very weak & precarious way - Margaret & Harriet go in turns to Peckham to help nurse Bessie during her Mama's absence.- I should say my four chits are pretty well again but E.W. [Elizabeth Wells] has told thee all about them & in a much better way than I can do it - Make the best use of thy term of acquiring as large a lump of Knowledge as possible, now is the time for laying the foundation on which to build the superstructure in subsequent years - I often deplore not having had such advantages. With my dear love believe me to be Thy most affectionate Papa.
  • Date free text
    6 Feb 1853
  • Production date
    From: 1853 To: 1853
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    No. of pieces: 1
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