• Reference
  • Title
    Eliz.Knott to Edward Harris Strange 18 May 1849 Exeter 18th.5th.1849 Respected Friend - Edward Strange By a letter received this morning from a relative of mine at Lewes, I am informed that thou art enquiring for a friend to fill the station of housekeeper in thy family, and to have care & oversight of thy children - I take pen to bring under thy notice, an individual, for whom I am much interested, & who is on the enquiry for the situation of housekeeper and companion - but however interested I may feel for her, I also consider there is a responsibility attaching to myself, in thus introducing a person to undertake duties in thy family, which invokes weighty considerations - I therefore preface any information that I shall give thee about this individual, that thou mayest understand I have not addressed thee on the subject without feeling as I have above expressed - my letter received this morning states "a friend" by which I understand a member of our religious society: now the person in question is not one of our Society - she has however lived in the family of a friend 12 years. She understands & highly values the principles & practices of our Society, she as often uses the plain language as the other when she is with friends, her dress is simple - she is now in deep mourning for an only brother; her religious profession is in sympathy with the Wesleyans though she is not a member of that religious body - she is a serious minded person, about 35 years of age, of plain habits & manners, not literary, though sufficiently well informed to bear a part in general conversation; her integrity may be relied on - She is now in a family in this county most uncongenial to her feelings, the lady is a widow, the daughter of a baronet in Lincolnshire - she had an imbecile sister residing with her, and this sister is the particular charge of Sarah Gibson - with a servant to take care of her at night in her own sleeping apartment - the monotony of such a life is too wearing upon S.Gibson's spirits for her to continue it - she is to leave it next month, or earlier, if any suitable opening should present for her acceptance - in one of the last conversations I had with her she expressed herself to the effect "that she should hail a situation in a friend's family as a blessing from the Lord." Now my friend I do not know what thy requirements would be, nor do I know anything of the ages &c. of thy children - but I am best satisfied to put the case before thee, leaving it, as to result, in thy hands; desiring thou mayst have best direction in a movement of such importance to all concerned; and awaiting thy reply at thy earliest convenience I subscribe myself Thy sincere friend Elizabeth Knott Envelope: penny red Edward Strange Postmark: EXETER AMPTHILL Seal : EK Ampthill 18.5.1849 19.5.1849 Bedfordshire.
  • Date free text
    18 May 1849
  • Production date
    From: 1849 To: 1849
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 2
  • Format
    paper and envelope
  • Level of description