Priscilla Strange to Edward Harris Strange 20 May 1848
Ipswich 5th mo 20
My dear E.
I am making sure of writing a few lines now tho' I cannot send this before to-morrow to acknowledge the receipt of thine yesterday - it is a great comfort to have such repeated good accounts of you all which I hope may continue.
Nancy & Mary go with me to Town on 2nd day by the mid-day train - I shall probably go to Kennington that night as I cannot lodge at Winterslow - J.Binyon being there, spend a long day on 3rd at Uncle A.'s & I cannot just now say where I shall quarter that night Jane has sent a kind invitation for me to lodge there but I think I shall not go there till 6th day evening, 7th day being a committee day & frequently we have not met till 11 o'clock on 2nd day so that would give me nice time.
Thus far have I built my castle subject to any wind that may blow to throw it down.-
We have drank tea at R.Ransome's very pleasantly. Father is tolerable in health tho' he seems rather flat at times.-
1st day. Yesterday we went over the Orwell works it is well worth spending some time over - the work place is much more extensive than I had any idea of.
They are preparing William Warby's house for moving entire - it is quite an experiment. [this was a brick house!! [see Yearbook of Facts.1849.pp 54-5, ref. to Suffolk Chronicle]
From there we called on Ann Alexander who looks much as she did - she said she had been disappointed in not hearing from S.Grellet as the Society in his part were in a very sad state.
Charles had to go to Town again on 6th day & returned last evening - we have fortunately not had any of his scientific friends here - I say fortunately as from my hearing not being any better the fewer I see the better.-
I have not Brother Wallis's bill with me , & think I shall not be able to pay it as I think it is above 3 including Jane's shawl - what had I better do about it ? I must go there to order one for M.E.- shall I ask Francis for 2?
I suppose Sarah has been helping Emma at house cleaning this week - I must depend upon thee for judging as to the propriety of my absence -
When at Tottenham I incidentally mentioned the case of the Inn-keeper at Kington. Brother E. said if thou thought the case a suitable one he might hand him 2 of the Bettson's money - Wilt thou make the needful enquiry & let me know.-
After this Monthly Meeting notice was given of a funeral on 4th day it is Maria Gregory's Infant (Joseph Bennell's late housekeeper)
Wallis's Brother & sister have been walking in this garden & we in Allen Ransome's.-
If thou hast not written before this reaches thee; direct for me to get it on 3rd day at Winterslow Place & after then to Joseph Corders 73 Bishopgate without.-
With very dear love in which Father unites
I remain Thine sincerely P.S.
Envelope: Penny red
Edward H.Strange Postmark IPSWICH AMPTHILL
Ampthill 21.5.1848 22.5.1848
Date free text
20 May 1848
Production date
From: 1848 To: 1848
No. of pieces: 2
paper and envelope
Level of description