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    John Tertius Southall to Edward Harris Strange 18 Mar 1847 Leominster 3rd mo 18th 1847 My dear Friend E.H.Strange. On seeing thy hand writing yesterday morning I was almost ready at once to conclude that thou hadst tidings of a sorrowful nature to communicate, tho' I had not had any very recent accounts of dear A.May. When I saw her rather over twelve months since the great alteration visible in her appearance seemed to indicate that her further continuance here was not to be long anticipated, but last tenth month she appeared rather better and the last account I had from H.Headley mentioned her as continuing so. I think no one acquainted with her & with the great kindness & other Christian virtues which at all times were manifest in her path through life could doubt that she has been permitted to exchange the troubles of time for the lasting joys of eternity, tho' it must have been consoling to her nearest & dearest relatives under the bitterness of the parting stroke to have had assurances from her own lips of the ground & certainty of her hopes. I am glad to hear that Samuel May and thy P.S. have been so far calmly supported under so deep a trial as to them in particular it must be, as well as to her other relatives, tho' the loss of so kind & sympathizing a friend must be much more widely felt. No doubt you will have a very large attendance on first day of those who are desirous of testifying their affection and respect for the memory of the dear departed.- If circumstances had favored I should have thought it a privilege to have been present at the interment of one from whom I have received so much kindness. Uncle J.Prichard has been more poorly than usual this winter but is now I believe as well as he has been of late tho' he does not get out much. My Grandfather also tho' weak is in tolerable health. My father wishes me to express his sympathy with you under your affliction & unites with me in love to Samuel May & thyself & wife. I am, Thy friend John T. Southall
  • Date free text
    18 Mar 1847
  • Production date
    From: 1847 To: 1847
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    No. of pieces: 1
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