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    Hannah Southall to Ann May 1841 [Leominster] My dear Friend I cannot feel quite comfortable to miss the opportunity of enclosing a few lines in a letter to our dear Tertius expressing my affectionate sympathy with you under your present circumstances - the premature confinement of dear Priscilla and the loss of the poor baby. I was not at all aware that such an event was in prospect until informed by T. that it had occurred immediately almost after her return from a Monthly Meeting. From the first reports I scarcely expected any other than the release of so delicate a little creature from a state of suffering which most probably might have been its portion for a considerable time had life been prolonged - and I sincerely hope that Priscilla has been enabled to view this afflictive dispensation (for such I can feel it must have been to her as well as to her dear Partner with other near connections) as ordered in wisdom.- I hope that her recovery has not been materially retarded by this circumstance tho' I am apprehensive she would have to contend with greater weakness & other drawbacks than on common occasion. I do feel anxious to obtain a few more particulars than it is likely I should obtain from our dear son, or from my brother E.P.S.[Edward Prichard Southall] who so lately visited you. He felt rather fearful that his company at such a juncture was ill timed but as he knew nothing of what had previously happened it could not be avoided - My brother has spoken of your kindness - and of his visit altogether in pleasant terms - tho' we cannot but regret that the anticipated gratification of the full enjoyment of your society should have been so unexpectedly limited - It has been a great satisfaction to us to receive a good report of our beloved T. in every particular we could desire excepting that of the more valuable occupation of his time and ability in the business - It is a truly mortifying circumstance to us that the difficulty alluded to is not yet overcome - but we may be thankful that in other respects he is able to make some amends for this deficiency - I trust the better part is not neglected, and that his line of usefulness may be developed, whether it be in the way of his present calling or otherwise - I hope my dear friend thou wilt excuse my thus digressing from the object of this hasty communication which was not only to express my sympathy, but to request if sufficient leisure should present some information of thy dear daughter's progress. I would not impose more on thy time than for a very few lines perhaps enclosed with T.'s next communication which we hope will be in a day or two - as I have requested him to send the "memoranda" relating to my beloved brother R.B. [R.Burlingham], C. Bayes being anxious to see it. I hope to send it for her perusal as soon as I receive it - The testimony which is already prepared will doubtless contain the most valuable of its details, it may not be well therefore to anticipate the interest which must be felt in the reading of it at the ensuing Y.M. - by too free a circulation of the "Memoranda" - - yet I do not like to refuse any who make such a request. My time I find quite expired - I must therefore in much love and sympathy with your little domestic circle particularly dear P.S. remain thy sincerely attached H.Southall Ann May [Seal : cursive S in small circle.] Ampthill.
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    From: 1841 To: 1841
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