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    Ann May to Priscilla Strange Oct c.1840 Tottenham My dear Priscilla, Altho' this mornings post has proved a blank to me it seems as though' it might afford some relief to my anxious thoughts to assure thee of my continued sympathy under thy various discouragements. I have made several fruitless enquiries for a nursemaid, as it seems very unlikely for L.B. to suit thee long. Jane was so desirous of knowing how it fared with thee that yesterday I enclosed thy note to her but I have not heard of Francis since we parted at the paper warehouse on 3rd Day, when I trudged on to S Deane's with Sil. followed by a second escort with my luggage , to be deposited at S D's. but on Sil handing me to the Omnis there it was not nor could we trace the boy, he had lost us and taken it to another Deane's, In the evening Sil brought it in an omni, sat a while with us and returned. As I wrote to thy father so lately my 'sayings and doings' since then lie in a small compass. I was unconscious of having taken the least cold on 4th day but it proves otherwise, as shown by pain in the chest and cough which I yet hope may soon wear off, no medicine being proposed thou will not think me very bad. Caroline and the dear girls are better - all just returned from a walk this bright morning. Eliza and Sophy go to Ipswich next 2nd day, soon after then Charles's holidays begin, first he takes Robert to Manchester for his improvement in mechanical knowledge, then Nancy joins him in some little tour of pleasure if such it should prove, by bracing his shattered constitution and overtasked mental faculties. The dear girls there are pleased at the thought of having their cousins society in the absence of their parents. I hope thy father's health improves by the quiet of his little domicile and that he will be able to send me a good account of himself also of yesterday 's proceedings at H. I shall be further gratified if thy E H S tells me he has at length succeeded in establishing a Plait Market by general consent and that to our dear selves in particular it promises a rich harvest. I find Caroline has purchased a whole piece of Merino at 3/10. By my loving note from J Allen I conclude thou hast heard again from C Gower, I must acknowledge the receipt of it. George Black lodged here night before me he is wishing to come and reside near town. G & all join me in dearest love to thy father and thy wholeself - mine to sister and the young men. Thy ever affectionate Mother
  • Date free text
    Oct c.1840
  • Production date
    From: 1840 To: 1840
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    No. of pieces: 1
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