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    Ann May to Priscilla Strange 2 June 1839 Tottenham 6th Mo 2nd My dearest P Every day I am thinking and even feeling, that a line from my pen is much overdue acknowledging the receipt of thy kind letter, but thy father being such a ready scribe any addition from me seems superfluous, especially as I know it will not be thy wish to tax my time needlessly. What a rainy & somewhat stormy day is this for Charles & Nancy to go home by the Steamer, they have each made us a short visit apart, N. not being well enough to come on first day was brought by Edward from Newington School, whither she had gone to make her observations, which proved in all respects satisfactory - N. is certainly very weakly, not less so than she used to be. I have resumed my pen after a short visit from two of James Backhouse's sisters, we seem to be getting a little breathing time just now. You are no doubt informed of my brother E.'s unexpected calamity, his eccentricities do not make it less obligatory upon us to treat him as a brother in distress, I wish it may be in my power to mitigate the pain of their few remaining steps of a weary pilgrimage - we can not help hoping that as regards at least one obdurate heart, this heavy chastisement may prove full of mercy, even at the eleventh hour. It was not until thy F.'s late return last evening that such a thought had occurr'd, as their being thankful for such a retir'd nook as neighbour Fane's cottage, but whether that will be agreed upon, & how a train of perplexities issue we expect to learn this evening, thy F. being gone again to their relief - S.Squire is expected here to tea, we to turn dear E. & C. out of their bed & finish our visit here in time to attend Gracechurch St. meeting tomorrow, when it is planned for Sister Arch to dine with us at Fish St. - meet M.Gordon if she will go there, then proceed to Wandsworth, thence to Peckham, in the hope that on 7th day we may have the relief & comfort of seeing you after such a long absence, do tell our darling Mel Ellen [Mary Ellen] not to forget granny pa & ma. I am sorry her dear feet are so teazing, Edward has known such cases approves of putting them in bran water - we have whispered thy case over which is not thought alarming, air & moderate exercise are needful - - Dear E.'s sympathy is so excited towards his mournful relatives that he is trying to get thro' his work, & take me to University St. to condole with them this afternoon - I have scarcely any time to add any thing relating to the Y.M. proceedings, but they were such as largely to claim the tribute of gratitude to the Source of all true wisdom, strength, & utterance in Divine things, all was so conducted as to inspire the burden bearers with fresh courage - If thou thinks of me on 5th day imagine the Hoopers with me at Peckham Meeting & my sister calling with me upon E.Dudley in the afternoon. Thus press'd for time I must tell thee my dear Frances & H.Tuckett have shaken hands - Pray do not send for Ann without giving her notice - I think thou must encourage dear Edward to let the carpet be put down tell him it is a good way to live in hopes of better times when we have resolved to do "our very best" - Much love to him & thee, some to everyone of the family, ever Thy affectionate Mother. May & Strange Postmarks : C50 TOTTENHAM TOTTENHAM Ampthill PAID POST PAID Beds. F P.S. 2 JU 2JU 1839 1839 [In pencil] : Silver 3-11-2 Gold 25-
  • Date free text
    2 June 1839
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    From: 1839 To: 1839
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