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    Hannah Southall to Ann May 27 July 1838 Leominster 7th mo 27th 1838 My dear Friend It seems difficult to spare even a few minutes for writing during the last day of dear Tertius's stay with us - yet I do wish to express our grateful thanks for the time which has been so kindly allowed him, and also to say that we hope the extension of a day or two beyond what might be intended will not be deemed too great a presumption on the indulgence granted It has happened that his uncle Samuel Southalls family had just left home when dear T. arrived to pay a visit at Birmingham and they only returned on 2nd day last - We wished him to see a little of his cousins before another long separation and this week have been much occupied in exchanging visits with them - our relations at Birmingham having also requested that a little time might be spent with them in passing through - we thought perhaps 2nd day might be suitably allotted to this gratification - Hoping that on 2nd day he may reach you in safety - and be prepared to enter into his accustomed duties with renewed diligence and cheerfulness - for indeed my dear friend I feel no hesitation in saying that I believe he is desirous of using his best endeavours to fulfilling every requiring of greater or lesser importance - and it is due to him to tell thee that he has felt very tender on the matter of staying at all beyond the time which he thought was strictly intended, and has intimated in fear lest he should be occasioning an uneasy feeling in the minds of his shopmates - who may not have had so long a recreation - I have however taken upon myself the responsibility of settling this matter with his friends at Ampthill - feeling assured under the circumstances I have stated - that we shall not have incurred dissatisfaction. Had not the time been more than expired we should have been truly glad for dear T. to have joined our party to the next Monthly M. held once in the year in Radnorshire - which occurs on 3rd day, but we hope (if life be spared) - during his visit next year that we may be able so to arrange our plans as to embrace this object. We have truly had cause for thankfulness in having been favoured to enjoy a sweet time with our dear children all together - who have been in nice health and very happy with each other - I hope it has done dear T. much good but there is at times so great a seriousness of deportment - and an expression of conflict in his countenance - which evinces that {woes} of his mind are not laid aside - I have had much interesting communication with him and am comforted in his seeing that he is peculiarly under the direction of his Heavenly Guide - who will I trust be with him amidst all the turning, and overturnings, which may be permitted to attend him - I have been quite struck by the solidity of his remarks on various subjects, but with nothing so much as the very visible change in his natural habits and temperament - all evincing a greater progress in the inward work than I had ventured even to think of - I must not say too much - but I may earnestly desire that nothing may be permitted to hinder the progress of this work or in any way mar the vessel which seems to be forming on the wheel - but that in due time it may be ordered fit for the Great Master's use - in any way he may appoint. I feel well assured my dear Friend of thy continued care over this beloved child - and shall hope as matters open from time to time that thou wilt kindly communicate with me - I do not expect at present to gain much information from himself. My attention is called to finish the packing up, and is getting late - I must therefore conclude rather hastily knowing thou wilt excuse every thing that may be needful to apologise for - With much love to thy Husband with thyself I am very affectionately and gratefully thy friend H.Southall. My husband if present would unite in the message of love - also to E.Strange and Wife - Ann May Ampthill
  • Date free text
    27 July 1838
  • Production date
    From: 1838 To: 1838
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    No. of pieces: 1
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