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    Hannah Southall to Ann May Mid-May 1838 Leominster 4th day Evening I wish to thank thee most cordially my dear Friend for thy continued kindness towards me and our dear Tertius, and to assure thee how welcome and acceptable thy last kind letter was to us. It has indeed been a great relief to our mind to receive so improved account of the object of our solicitude, and I cannot but hope that thy tender care over him may in time produce the most satisfactory results. If our dear boy were naturally less shy or reserved it would no doubt spare both himself & his friends some painful feeling - yet on the other hand there is sometimes a danger in being too communicative - particularly on subjects of a religious nature. I trust Tertius will eventually find that he has in thee my dear friend an able counsellor as well as a tender watchful friend - and I hope he will become after a while more open with thee in seasons when his mind may be labouring under such deep depression as that thou hast described - for it must I am sure have been distressing to you to witness so much mental perturbation without knowing in what way to administer relief. I am truly glad the present arrangement is so satisfactory on all sides - and I hope it will prove so in the end, but I have some fears that our difficulties at home may prevent my Husband being in London the first week of the Yearly M. - he seems to think he shall not be able to stay the whole time - and he always prefers the concluding sittings - Should this be the case dear T. will lose a part of the anticipated enjoyment - unless an offer should be fortuitously made him of joining other relatives in the mean time we shall be writing again when matters are more settled - My Husband has sent rather more cloth than the quantity mentioned, which we suppose was intended for a Jacket. We think a coat might now be more suitable for him - if he does not object to it - As the clothes are I suppose cut out on the premises {no} doubt there may have been found scraps for repairing cuffs &c - which would be useful if T. will put them by - The hats will be ordered and be ready for him when he gets to Town - I intend sending a bag for his change of linen and new suit which it would not be well for him to ride in - excuse my troubling thee with these trifles - perhaps dear T. may think himself competent to these things - but he has not had much experience yet in managing for himself - I am glad he has so pleasantly taken the hint relating to the shirt collars - and hope he is quite satisfied on the subject - I feel very fearful of acting at a distance and would much rather consult thy judgment in offering advice - I have been careful in making any allusion to thy communications when writing to dear T. but long for free unreserved converse with him, which I hope I may have during his visit home - I shall be glad to hear of thy joining the great assembly - it would indeed be cause of regret that home cares should deprive thee of this privilege - If dear Priscilla & her babe continue doing well I trust thou mayst be comfortably released. I did not think of writing many lines when I took this half sheet - trusting thou wilt excuse my freedom in every way, I remain with much love Thy affectionate friend H.Southall Ann May Ampthill.
  • Date free text
    May 1838
  • Production date
    From: 1838 To: 1838
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    No. of pieces: 1
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