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    Caroline May to Priscilla Strange 1 Mar 1838 Tottenham 3rd mo 1st My dear Sister You will by this time be wishing to know how we are going on and we are desiring the same thing with respect to you for as dear father was so poorly when here and you have heard as we conclude such a busy time since we long to learn how he is and whether the result of your labour in the business is more satisfactory than before - I am thankful in being able to give a favourable report upon the whole of our flock. Teddy seems to have got through the worst of his cough which (as Anna's now is) has been at times very violent but attended with no unfavourable symptoms he has been into school most days as usual and Anna is down to start every day but {hooping} occasionally and wanting a good deal of nursing & amusing she is so fond of being read to that we are nearly all employed in her service in the course of a day & the same stories are read over till we are quite tired of them in this state of things it looks as if I may hope to pay my visit to thee as proposed but I should be glad to leave it as late as I can. I want to know whether thou would feel envy & what Mother thinks of my fixing on next 7thday two weeks the 17th I think. but if you are desirous of my coming rather earlier I will do so if the children are tolerable & no other impediment arise - art thou provided with a bassinett? I have been thinking I could lend thee mine with the first baby at any rate and there would not be so many things to get for the next but it is an awkward concern to carry about & unless the chaise were likely o come up some little time hence perhaps it would get damaged by the way what do you think of it. Edward said the other day he should like to give thee something but as all was probably provided perhaps it might be as well to leave it till I saw thee & I might enquire whether a 2nd size cap would be acceptable or what more so - Maria John Howard has another little son about 2 weeks old she has not got on so well as usual but we hope is gradually improving it was rather premature; her Aunt thinks as she was not strong she had bustled about too much - Edward was not able to attend her being quite a prisoner with her cousin Julia Howard the wife of W.H.Howard a young clergyman at Edmonton & next door to Hammond the surgeon who was called up and requested to supply Edward's place at J.H.'s thou mayst suppose it was rather a harassing night but those two ladies had no idea of clashing - Julia H. has a fine boy & going on very nicely - E.Howard took me up to Town last week & we dined at Charter House Square - sister Rachel was quite well and feels much interested in thy prospects - poor brother W. is suffering as usual in the winter. E.H. has been remarkably well & active but for a great wonder was not at meeting today having a heavy cold.- We are glad to find that Sam & M.Fox have taken a house here for tho' there never perhaps was a time when we had more need to learn that "vain is the help of man" yet to have an addition to our number of such as these ought to be esteemed a privilege and I trust it will be felt to be one by many - we hear the Clays{?} & Becks have sent in their resignation to their respective M.M.s. We had an interesting lecture given at our meeting house 3rd day evening by G.Thomson on the state of the negro Apprentices in our colonies & the wasting of the system adopted - it seems as tho'a strong push will be much to shorten this barbarous apprenticeship - I heartily wish they may be successful - Brother & Sister Curtis were here last week Mary was gratified with having received a good account from the travellers - who reached Frenchay very comfortably - We have seen Brother H. several times lately as Edward called him in to a neighbour of ours so we have enjoyed some nice little chats & are glad to find they are all pretty well - H.Pain is still living hers is a most gradual decline - My dear E has been very busy just lately - how are thine & Mother's colds &c - we want to hear all the particulars so pray write soon - Caroline Watson went I suppose yesterday to Hoddesden! had she not pretty good courage after all we have heard - however she is to be commended for being very willing to make the trial and will not be much blamed if she does not stay. The dear children have just had a great disappointment in the death of 6 little Rabbits which were found in the flue of the greenhouse the other day & excited great joy. They join with us in dear love to you all - & with a large share to thy E.S. & self, believe me to remain Thy very Affectionate Sister Caroline May. I think we have heard nothing of Uncle & Aunt Arch since F. was there - they were all pretty well at Peckham a short time ago. Seal : Large Germanic C.M. in a square. May & Strange Postmark T 8 NT 8 TOTTENHAM Ampthill MR -- 1 MR I 8.HR P.Strange Beds. 1838 1838 1 MR 1838
  • Date free text
    1 Mar 1838
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    From: 1838 To: 1838
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