Priscilla Strange to Margaret Sims May 16 March 1837
Ampthill 3rd Mo.16th 37
My dear Margaret & Harriet
I am afraid you will have begun to think I had forgotten you as I have not written to you since we parted, but we had so many things to take our attention, that it has been difficult for me to write any more letters than I am obliged, I do not doubt you have often thought of us lately, & mourned with us the loss of one who was so very dear to us all, but we must endeavour to hope & trust that he is now far more happy than he could have been here - & this will help to reconcile us to the parting.
We have had illness ever since you were here, but I am glad to say we are all much better; your dear Grandmamma has been out once in the chaise but the weather is now so cold it will not do for her.
You will like to hear I had such a nice long letter from your dear Mamma last sixth day giving so good an account of herself & the boys that we were quite longing to have her with us - would not that be delightful? it would seem a little like old times then, but not without you - she says Robert is wanting to come to Ampthill, & that if he does come, they will not catch him at Ipswich again to live.-
Your Uncle & I have been living down at the shop for six weeks but we came home last 7th day but I spend a good deal of time there now, as it is dull for your G.Mamma - I like our new servant very much her name is Mary Steele, she is much older than M.Taylor.-
.Last first day week B.Tatham junr. came to bid us farewell, as he was going to see his relations in the north, previous to sailing for America.
I have finished Harriet's nightgowns at last - if she should want stays you must send me word -
I have had much pleasure in making the Gingerbread cakes.& hope you will like them.-
Do you know that you have another little cousin at Peckham - they talk of naming her Juliana.
The garden is looking much neater than it did but nearly all our Greenhouse plants are dead - we have sent for some more from Glazenwood.-
I called on Nancy a few days ago - she is a very poor creature but not much worse than she was.-
Poor Bet.Roberts has been very ill but is much better.
Sarah Holloman has gone to James Thomas's to help them get his house ready for a wife who is no other than Ellen Chapman.-
We have a new draper called James Le Couteur from Guernsey -
John Youill's Grandfather is here & as I am expecting them to tea I must conclude this. Hope to hear from one of you very soon as I do not know when you will get this.-
Your Grandparents desire their dear love to you in which your Uncle joins me unites with
Your ever affectionate Aunt Priscilla -
Margaret & Harriet May
Date free text
16 March 1837
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From: 1837 To: 1837
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