Nancy May to Priscilla Strange 3 August 1836
Ipswich 8th moth 3rd 1836
My beloved Sister
Tho my C.M. will be a much better reporter of things in general than I could be still I do not like his to go without a few lines from me, and in the first place let me thank thee for thy most acceptable letter which I was truly glad to receive, and should have noticed it before this but Charles having occasion to write to Father I thought I would defer it awhile - of dear Robert's accident you will hear particulars from C., I was spared the shock at first by the kind consideration of E.Coleby & J.P.Wise who where in the house at the time - packing, a violent headache having compelled me to go to bed, how they kept it from me is still a puzzle, I generally hear the cry of a child so quick. The Dr says he went through it all like a man, very likely better say I - Last first day 3 weeks we were much mortified to find upon coming from meeting [?Jnes] here come I have no doubt for the purpose of fetching Sarah, indeed the children heard him say so, C. can tell you how [?] him I intend to read to S. what Father says, I do not at all expect she will stay with me any longer than suits her own pleasure, tho' she seems pretty well settled again - my cook I like in her department, but I am afraid she is not of the best temper, this I should not mind because I never quarrel with a servant, but I have good reason to believe she shows it to the children, which is what I never will put up with from the best, & which I daresay I shall soon feel it my duty to inform her of, I am ready to wish sometimes I had my old ones about me again I shall never feel so much at home with any others have you heard anything of them or Complain lately?
I am glad to find Watson is of use - we thought Father & Mother would come and see us first, Frenchay is a nice place in the Winter.
We intend to get the hangings up as quick as we can tell Mother do you go to see your relations this Autumn? If not I hope we shall have the pleasure of seeing you, how would it be for thee to come with F. & M., for them to leave thee for Edward to fetch in a few weeks this would be delightful plan to me if agreeable to you and it will not interfere with any prior arrangement of yours, of course we do not expect to be served before your Mother - -
I was indeed truly grieved H.C. & A.Brown had lost their little boy they are much to be felt for in this second trial, I hope they will experience strength of mind sufficient for it, it must be hard to come at resignation to support such a shock as this must have been, but it is to be attained and I hope they will be persuaded to see it in a right light, it must have fallen heavy upon poor Ann Henry being out at the time - I am glad Martha Foster is doing well sometimes a disease like hers is kept at bay for years if there are { ? }
I notice thy hint about our Sister C. wants and needs be on the listen. I shall hope to hear of Francis's children by C. - I am sorry to observe what thou says of C. & P. it is a poor sign when those in Society are remiss in their attendance of meetings - friends here are I think very exemplary in this respect -
I am so messy with packing &c. that I really must cut this short, promising to do better next time I remain with dearest love to Mother & Thyself
thy affectionately attached Sister
I send for a few things which I shall be glad to have by C.'s return. Wilt thou ask M.White if I owe her anything I believe not but I shall feel heart satisfied for to be assured.
I suppose our certificate was requested last month, the Mo. meeting is here tomorrow - (5th day) -
Walter says Aunty owes me 6d I tell him he owes thee a great deal more as do we all but have not ability to pay.
[in pencil]
18 Caps -3.0
18 Shirts -3.0
13 Frocks -2.2
7 Flannels -1-2
Priscilla Strange Seal : Anne
Date free text
3 August 1836
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From: 1836 To: 1836
No. of pieces: 1
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