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    Ann May to Priscilla May end April 1834 Cornhill 4th Day Night - past twelve [A.M. to P.M.] My dear P. As thy dear Aunt seems settling off to sleep now the family are at rest I will acknowledge the receipt of thy kind letter by J.C. first remarking that altho' I give thee credit for planning thy best for me we were quite disappointed at having my clever scheme frustrated and not at all liking such a very long absence from home altho' it is evident I can very well be spared - having visited both Tottenham & Peckham I cannot see very well how to dispose of myself so that must be left until C. is about returning we are pressingly invited to remain here together as long as suits us & I shall like much to have thy company. Rachel Hooper went to Kennington today to make a short stay only Louisa & Caroline came to meeting thy aunt not feeling quite so well today - We saw another letter today from Frenchay by which my sister T. appears to be still under considerable suffering from pain in the head & getting very restless nights unlikely to leave home for some time to come certainly not to be at the Y.M. they had not called in Dr Pritch - but kept it in view. Francis said Mariana had a cold & cough & baby no great things - Anna spent most of the days with my sister & Elizabeth made a capital nurse, poor E.Ship gone to Cheltenham with but faint hopes of returning - I had a note from Caroline today all well. I have not seen Eliza Fry but she is a patient of my Brother was very unwell but now improving a little he advises her to go for country air but Arthur means to take her to Bristol after Y.M.- But now a word about my invalid who I am thankful to say is gaining strength daily altho' but just perceptible she has some relish for food & takes a very small portion of meat for dinner gets rather more sleep but one of our troubles is an oedematous swelling of one leg which has to be rubbed and bandaged - A great movement is planned for to-morrow into the next room when a workman is to come to take down this bed in order to exterminate certain unwelcome tenants - Last 6th day Dr Hodgkin & his suite moved in grand procession to his new residence in the Circus Henry was one of the bearers & now likes the change - the sight was so novel as to astonish the natives considerably, I think it will surprise thy F. to hear that Jas. & John Capper are dissolving partnership. I dare not read thy letter for fear the crackling should wake thy aunt - One thing did not please me - thy not mentioning Edward - I beseech thee my dear not to trifle with his feelings by a chilling, mysterious silence - it was a wonder thou hadst nothing to tell me of what he had said or done just now - I am ready to fancy you sitting around the table as stiff mute as figures on a dial plate - Thy aunt is begging me to go to bed & to give her very dear love to thee thy F. & all in which I sincerely unite. I am very sorry to hear of thy F. not being so well as usual. A pattern of thy bonnet how dost thou like it ? They begged a fortnight to make it in - My dear love to C. N. & the children - E.H.S, thy aunt - Thy ever affectionate Mother. Priscilla May Ampthill Beds.
  • Date free text
    April 1834
  • Production date
    From: 1834 To: 1834
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    No. of pieces: 1
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