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    Jane May to Priscilla May 30 Jan 1834 Bishopsgate St 1st mo 30th 1834 My dear Sister, I have at last taken my pen to thank thee for thy most welcome letter and let me assure thee that though it has remained so long unanswered thou hast been frequently the companion of our thoughts and it gives us pleasure to hear thou art enjoying thyself so thoroughly, Emily's enjoyment must have been much diminished by hearing such repeated poor accounts from home, I trust the worst is now over as the last account was a very favourable one - I shall soon give thee a detail of our proceedings as I know it will interest thee - it is six weeks today since we returned to town - and we are thinking of going back to Peckham the latter end of the third month unless the weather should be very wintery and this I am almost fearing considering how remarkably mild it has been hitherto, I consider it quite a favour that our dearest little girls have been very nicely this winter and did not suffer in the least from the change to town, S.J. has had less cough than usual, and her breathing is much better, baby continues to be quite a fatty and very healthy, she trots about strong enough, but does not talk at all, Louisa is as good a chatterbox as ever, but I think she gets rather more gentle in her behaviour - she goes to school and likes it very much, I am much obliged by the pattern of pinafore it sets very prettily - I have lately had a third but pleasing visit from my dear mother [Sarah Holmes sen.] - she was on her way home from Alton - where she had been spending several weeks, she was very unwell when she went but I am truly glad in being able to say that she is now as well as usual again, I wish I could give thee as good an account of Sarah - she still continues very delicate, but much better than she was two or three weeks back, William drove mother to town and took Rachel back with him as S. seems to stand in need of a companion, as my F. had business at Guildford - we accompanied them so far on their journey which I much enjoyed although the weather was not at all favourable - Hannah Morland has been in considerable care dreading the measles for her John and Baby as the little boy has had it rather poorly but is now nicely recovering from it, Hannah is suffering from a bad cold previously to which she was looking remarkably well - We have been much concerned also hearing of father's indisposition - but trust there is no cause for uneasiness as he continues to mend, Francis has just received a letter from Charles giving a better account, and mentions that mother has just been writing to thee so thou wilt be in possession of full particulars - when my dear Priscilla may we expect to see thee back I expect Emily does not return {yet} fearing infection at home, I am depending on having thee a week or two with us as thou wilt remember thou put us off with a very short visit on thy way to Frenchay - I fear thou hast thought me very negligent in not sending the ring before but I only got it home yesterday and am surprised to find there is none of the hair left, they very stupidly made them up a great deal too large so it has no doubt been wasted in that way - I shall be truly glad to hear from thee when thou hast a few minutes to spare, excuse this shabby letter as time will not admit of more and with our united dear love to thyself aunt and cousins believe me my dear to remain Thy very affectionate sister Jane May. Priscilla May Frenchay
  • Date free text
    30 Jan 1834
  • Production date
    From: 1834 To: 1834
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    No. of pieces: 1
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