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    Samuel Curtis to Priscilla May 6 May 1832 Glazenwood 6 May 1832 My dear Priscilla I suppose you have said several times, my Uncle has quite forgot his promise, I thought he would! However altho the Plants sent are but poor now, they will in your ground get handsome in time, how I should like you to see a noble plant of Glycine sinensis I have now in bloom, you would fall violently in Love with it I am sure, therefore in the hope that one will be as handsome with you 3 years hence, I send you one to be put carefully out of the Pot into a little of your Sandy Loam & in a sheltered place, & where it has plenty of wall room as in 7 years if it does well it will require half the wall you have - The China Roses of various kinds are to be planted in your border & well watered at the time of planting & they will get very strong this summer - If you will come from the Yearly Meeting to this place & spend a month with us you shall have any plants you choose which are here, & you shall colour your Rose plates &c. &c. I think we could amuse you agreeably at that time of the year, & we will do our best to make you like flowers & Gardening, because I think it the most rational of all amusements that a young Lady of leisure [sic] can adopt for a few spare hours of recreation & has the advantage over Music, Drawing or Needlework, in contributing to health, & as the Curtis's are not dunces I do enumerate that amongst their accomplishments The Dahlias are from amongst my seedlings & you must flower them before you give any of them away - there is one of my Old Single Scarlet, which if you give it a little rich ground you must have it tied up to a Hop pole & it is to have 100 blooms open at once - I was vexed with my Man who had packed the Basket before I was aware of his doing so, as he has put so small a Basket it would not hold any Geraniums &c. which I wanted to go & particularly some Fuchsias - I shall be obliged to Charles to convey to our Friend M.Brooks the 2 Pots of Erythrina & the parcel of Seeds, they are just arrived from Philadelphia & must be sown as soon as he can - I saved as soon as they arrived some Magnolia seeds which my friend in Philadelphia sent expressly for me 1500 miles to obtain it, & for which he charges 6.- I send a letter to J.Whiffen which can go by the first convenient opportunity with the two prospectuses of my place, which he will perhaps use to my advantage. I shall be glad to hear you are coming here as soon as you have made up your mind, all here unite with me in dear Love to all your family circle, & it is a great pleasure to me to have found you all in such good health, & I hope in about a fortnight to see my dear sister Maddock &c. in good health as I propose taking my Clara to spend 2 or 3 months there this summer - I am yours very affectionately Samuel Curtis. Miss Priscilla May [Seal : FIDELITY over a dog.] Ampthill Beds.
  • Date free text
    6 May 1832
  • Production date
    From: 1832 To: 1832
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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