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    Ann May to Priscilla May 28 Aug 1831 Ampthill 8th mo 28th My dearest P. We had the pleasure to receive thy Father home to dinner yesterday safe & well & have been much interested in the account of his journey seeing our friends &c. & now we begin to feel it long before we hear from thee but hope thou art enjoying thy visit to thy hearts content - after parting with you, thy aunt & I seemed strangely quiet and came to one of those full stops that allow of taking breath - it was at length pleasantly interrupted by Nancy's return on 3rd day morning I was waiting to receive them with the happy little group in the nursery Margaret looks very well I could attend to nothing but hugging & kissing Walter but I will have Nancy to tell her own history - we all took our usual walk in the garden after meeting this morning with Joseph & E.Bennell but our dinner party was curtailed by G.Beck meeting his brothers at the Morris's & J.Beck & G.{Chandr} going to Hitchin for the day, the latter has soon to be informed that he is incompetent for his post we wish him to be on the lookout we having heard of one much older & likely to suit but the person has not yet made up his mind thy F. met with him at Chelmsford his name is Edward White. Nancy had scarcely had time to rest after the fatigue of her journey before it was time to accompany the remains of poor Ellen to the grave, B.Tatham with A.Lucas whose company on that occasion was particularly acceptable alighted at C.'s - as we were going to meeting the hearse overtook us, followed by D. & A.Grimes, M Morris & Louisa, & Mary Ann & Kate were waiting in the yard, and walked first, all was conducted well, A.Lucas spoke very instructively both at the ground & in meeting it was a great relief to me to get it over so satisfactorily, the friends all dined & staid tea with us.- On our way from meeting A.Lucas was kind enough to call with me upon poor Mary Mann, who was thought near her end in puerperal fever, the child was four days old - thy aunt had seen her in such great distress of mind as well as body that morning, that we wished to calm her A.{Hamy} has given her up until this morning when their hopes are somewhat revived, Nancy has seen her, poor Margaret Mann being also very ill, thy aunt has enough to do, collecting too for M.A.Wonfor going to Margate, & gathering seeds for thee at which she is very assiduous. Thy F. brought a good account of our friends in town except J.Wise who was not so well. I hope thou wilt meet S.Holmes jun. I have written to Alton requesting Jane may come in about two weeks from the present time, we think it will be best for thee to go to town from Chelmsford Q.M. next 4th day two weeks, when thy F. intends being in town with the chaise ready to bring thee home, where we shall gladly welcome thee. We expect A.Ransom & Maria this Evening - in a note from the latter with a message of love from E.Wheeler I heard she was much gratified with thy present, we mean to witness the ceremony next 5th day, perhaps return to dinner. I must leave room to tell thee how we get over the M.M. Having now parted with all our friends except my clever teamaker Maria Morris I may tell thee that all has passed off well - we had more than usual before meeting E.Wheeler E.Sharples W.& M.Exton &c.&c. A.Ransom prevented coming, yet not much amiss I have sent her word that when we go to H. from 5th day I intend staying to spend a few days with her - In considering afresh what may be the best way of getting thee home thy F. proposes being at the Q.M. at Chelmsford & bringing thee through Hertford. Nancy has called in to talk over things in general - says she is not in a writing mood. M.Wheeler brought a note in from Esther thanking thee for thy beautiful present sweetly express'd- - The subject of the poultry yard must not be quite forgotten. the hen in the tub hatched three & managed to let one drown itself we feasted on the two fine Aylesbury ducks. Mary Mann is better - Samuel Bevington & Sarah Thurston pass'd the meeting today she was sadly overdone with her task & they return'd to dinner they obtained leave to be married at Gloucester. With M.Morris's love & thy aunt D.'s added to thy F.'s & mine which latter extends to the family of Smith I resign my paper to Nancy & remain - Thy ever affectionate Mother
  • Date free text
    28 Aug 1831
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    From: 1831 To: 1831
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