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    Samuel May junior to Priscilla May April 1829 Brighton 4 mo 1829 [S.M.jun. to P.M.] Dear Sister I believe I must first ask excuse for not answering thy letter before this but as I have not been well now for nearly a week I have not been able to do it I have been in bed two days this week but am getting on again now but I rather expected I was going to have the measles as it very much about both here and at Lewes many have died if it. Ellen Wright has been very unwell for 3 or 4 days but not dangerously ill. William & Samuel Lucas were down here last 1st day, they have been at Southwick for a few days at their cousin Edwards. We have just got through the muddle of Quarterly and Monthly Meetings here after being unsettled for some time before. there were no less than 56 dined at this house on Quarterly Meeting day 35 or so of whom were visitors so that there was a good party altogether. I am most obliged to thee for thy enquiring about having access to Master's library which I have in which there is a pretty good collection of books though I do not find much time for reading. I should be glad indeed to see Father & Mother down here in the course of a month or so when I am in hopes the weather will be more favourable than it is at present as it has been nothing but very wet weather now for a considerable time I think Mother will enjoy Brighton very much - I was glad to hear so good an account of John Hooper also of Eliza Beck who was in very poor health when I left One of Master's vessels arrived not long ago laden with cheese about 15 Tons which was a great job to get them down into the warehouse. Not much company in Brighton now which makes us very slack. I shall be in want of a little money before a great while which thee can mention to Mother at some time or other. I have been here now about 7 months it seems to have passed very quick to me. having nothing more to say at present but very dear love to all and accept the same thyself I remain Thy ever affect Brother Samuel May PS Must excuse the scrawl. 7th day evening. I dare say thou wilt think it curious that I can find time to write on 7th evening but I am indoors rather unwell. Samuel May Postmark : BRIGHTON 27.4.1829 Ampthill BRIGHTON A P.May Beds AP 28 27 AP 27 1829 1829
  • Date free text
    April 1829
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    From: 1829 To: 1829
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    No. of pieces: 1
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