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    Ann May to Priscilla May Oct 1826 4th Day M. My dearest P. This is such a sudden movement of Charles's that it is as much as I can do to provide for it & cannot answer all thy requests but thought thou wouldst like to be getting on with the gown the skirt is measured off & laid by for me, the piece sent is the remainder of 81/4 yds. the length of four sleeves which I conclude will make two bodies but if thou proves to the contrary I had better reserve more.- As to the checked muslin I cannot see the use of altering a white frock so late in the Season especially considering how given to change girls & their fashions are though I wish more to set an example of stability to tell the truth I was intending to make night caps of that remnant. I approve of thy working for thy sisters my dear but the suitable muslin is purchased but not come it must be sent next opportunity - Thy old stuff frocks are much too shabby to be sent thou had'st better wear washing ones a few more weeks & then the two lined silks in turn for thro' the Winter - We hear it is the intention of Robert Wise & one of the sisters to make John a visit this week so I shall miss my tea-maker but hope thou makes it thy study to be useful in every possible way to thy aunt to whom I am to give Lewis's love & thanks, he is singularly favored with books his F. brought him one, & I had got one at Franklin's which induces him to read twice a day so I hope we shall get on a little, his health is so improved that we think him fatter every day - Yesterday came a nice letter from dear Samuel, if thou inclines to write no doubt J.Beck often could convey a letter. Thou remember'st thy schoolfellow E.Hutchinson losing a brother by drowning, her sister who lived at W.Alexander's York, is since dead with the small-pox, Robert's brother tells him A.Alexander was at Harrowgate [sic] - I have hired M.Taylor for H.Ransom no doubt her mother would like to know it - am glad thou wast to Tottenham, how I long to see another copy of Edward's face; was not thou surprised to hear of M.Ann Coventry going to be teacher to Jos.Lister's children - Thy brother C. much regrets not staying in town when there to finish his business it seems as though he would now have a great deal of Laboratory work which is encouraging - they drank tea with us yesterday Mag.[Margaret]. has another tooth.- It seems W.Exton's marriage is to be the 12th of next month - next 6th day week think of us at the Q.M. in haste with dearest love to thyself thy uncle & aunt & all believe me ever Thy truly affectionate Mother P.S. the plants & birds are going on well the former beautifully in bloom. P.May
  • Date free text
    Oct 1826
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    From: 1826 To: 1826
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